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    If there has ever been a moment where I have felt the urge to strangle someone because of how annoying they were, it was probably now.

    The fire team and I have been hearing bickering between Lucy, also known as Drunk Blondie from the bar, and Evan throughout this 12-hour shift, and unfortunately for all of
us, we still had four more hours to go.

    For my luck, she was now our new coworker in the 118 after Eddie decided to quit the fire department.

    A decision that I personally think he has been regretting since the moment he decided it. I could tell by how miserable he looked in his new job at the Call Center, but I told myself I would not say anything anymore about the matter after he had not so kindly told Evan and me to mind our business.

"Okay, I gotta ask," Ravi said, making everyone around the area look over at him, including myself. "What is this tension going on between you two? Because Buck, you and Lucy argue more than I would think you and Agatha would since you are getting married and whatnot."

Lucy said something I couldn't quite catch from where I was sitting. A loud clang immediately followed as her metal bottle made contact with the ground. "Oh, you two are together?"

Without saying anything or moving from my spot on the sofa, I raised my left hand and wiggled my ring finger. I could hear Hen chuckling from the couch across from me.

I was aware that Evan and I never sport a sign around our necks stating our relationship, but Lucy has been working in this firehouse for almost a month. There was absolutely no way she did not know about it. Either she was playing dumb, or she was simply blind.

"Yeah, they are. The crazy part is that they have a kid together. An adorable, sassy little girl." Ravi continued.

"Why is that crazy?" Evan questioned.

"Have you guys met yourselves?" Ravi laughed as if it was the most obvious and hilarious joke ever.

I sat straight on the sofa to look better at Ravi, waiting for an explanation.

What was so unbelievable about Evan and me being parents?

"What is that supposed to mean?" Buck inquired, crossing his arms across his chest, making me smile a little.

As much as he tried to look intimidating, he failed big time. Evan might have the body and height for intimidation, but his personality screamed Golden Retriever energy.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now