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    I stuck my tongue out in concentration as I stretched my arms, putting the sparkly star topper on the tree.

    I haven't been much of a Christmas person since mom died. Christmas was her holiday, and I took it upon myself after she left to leave in the past all those special moments I spent with her during the holiday season in all the different countries we lived in.

    This year, though, I wanted things to be different.

    This would be the first year Maia would actually get to know what Christmas is really like, especially with a family. She was too little to remember her first Christmas, and last year the world was in a crisis, not that it would ever change.

    I was also excited for this time of year because it meant the end of this hell of a year was quickly approaching, and I could not wait for it to be over. These past two years have been an utter joke.

    A snort left my lips as Evan started to lower me to the ground. "This feels oddly familiar."

    Evan smiled, pressing his lips to my forehead. "The only difference this time is that we don't have Maddie and Chimney cockblocking us, and I'm no longer afraid that you might reject me."

    "What makes you so sure I'm into you, Buckley?" I arched an eyebrow as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

    He moved his head slightly to the side as if thinking. A smile formed on the corner of his mouth. "Well, for starters, you tell me quite constantly throughout the day that you love me."

    "I could be bluffing. You know, for sex and what not." I shrugged.

    "Oh yeah? Because I don't know with which Buck you are having sex with because it's definitely not with me."

    I tilted my head back, laughing. As much as I love to tell him that he's insatiable, he was not wrong this time. Since Maia has been sneaking into our bed at night, there has not been any alone time for Evan and me.

    Even I was starting to get annoyed by the lack of intimacy.

    "Welcome to parenthood." I teased, wrapping my fingers at his nape before I pulled him down and kissed him.

    "Momma, I want cookies."

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

    Pulling away from Evan, I saw Maia standing in the kitchen, pointing at the island counter where I put the fresh batches of sugar cookies I've been baking all day for the firehouse tomorrow to cool.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now