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F O U R  (⚠️🌶🌶)(you've been warned)

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F O U R  (⚠️🌶🌶)
(you've been warned)


     Lightning streaked across the sky, followed by a loud boom that at any other given time would've made me jump, but I was frozen in place in front of her new home.

What if she doesn't want to see me?

I asked myself while debating if I should ring the doorbell or turn around and go straight back to the airport.

I wish I could've thought about this before jumping into the first flight I could find because now I wasn't sure this was a great idea. Agatha has been avoiding me for months; why would she want to talk to me now?

"Can I help you?"

I followed the voice to the right side of the house. An older woman with long white hair stared right at me as she stood on her small porch.

"Oh, uh—do you know if Agatha is home?"

    "And who's looking for her?" She questioned suspiciously.

    I had never met this lady in my life before, but I was getting a feeling that for some unknown reason, she did not like me at all.

    "My name is Buck. I'm Agatha's— uh, friend."

    I could swear that the lady's face changed after hearing my name. Before I could add anything, she looked around, making sure no one was around and proceeded to open her door a bit wider.

    "So you are the one that broke that poor girl's heart?" Ah, there it was—no wonder why she was looking at me as if I killed her dog. "You better listen up, boy. That girl in there might be carrying multiple demons on her shoulders, but so does the rest of the world. She's a beautiful person with a huge heart that deserves the world, and if you are not going to give her the world along with the rest of the universe, I would consider leaving her alone. She has been doing better now since she moved here, and she doesn't deserve whatever damage you are about to unleash on her."

I stood there under the pouring rain like the idiot I was, not knowing how to respond to the older woman. I couldn't even try to explain myself because all the words she practically threw at me were absolutely right.

Agatha is an amazing woman that deserves the best in this world. I was simply the idiot that did not know how to value her as she deserves.

Without another word, the lady gave me one last death glare before she walked into her house, leaving me outside with my self-doubting thoughts.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now