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    "Look, I don't want to side with your hunk of an ex entirely, but he is right. You need to tell the police about it even if it has been almost two weeks since you received the box." Daisy trailed behind me down the hospital hallway after she dropped off a patient that got injured on a school parade.

    From what I've heard, someone drove into the parade while the kids walked down the street. Some patients in the ER said that it was on purpose, while others say it was accidental. I didn't know all the details, but I sure know it has kept us busy in the ER unit for the past hour.

    "Zee, just like I told Evan and Theodore, please let it go. No one is going to believe me, so what's the use?"

    "Yes, they will. Isn't your uncle married to a Sargent? The problem here is that you are scared of that asshat. I mean, it's understandable that what he did to you is more than traumatic, but you can't give him that power over you, girly."

    I stared at the charts of people from the accident that needed to be scheduled for surgery as soon as possible. As if looking at that would somehow make my best friend understand that I do not want to talk about the box or Ian right now or ever.

    I desperately wanted to leave that creepy experience in the past, but my friends clearly had other plans regarding the matter. Ever since receiving that dead mouse, Evan, Theodore, and now Daisy won't leave me alone about it.

    From the very beginning, since receiving it, I knew that I had no proof that the package was from Ian or even Chloe in the first place; therefore, I have kept my lips sealed. And anyway, the box was long gone by now.

    I finally looked up from the computer screen to my bubbly friend. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

    "I am working. My partner is filling up the paperwork before we head back to the station," She leaned on the counter that separated us. "I know what you are doing. Don't think that I will let this conversation go just yet."

    I rolled my eyes. Of course Daisy would not let this go. She wasn't the type of person to let anything go, primarily when said things didn't involve her.

    "So, how was that week-long sleepover, huh?" I frowned, watching my friend wiggle her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. 

    "What sleepover?"

    "Oh please, like Buck didn't stay at your house for the entire week after the rat incident."

I gave her an annoyed look. "Theo told you."

Daisy shrugged, a small innocent smile forming on her lips. "Maybe."

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now