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T H I R T Y  S E V E N

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T H I R T Y  S E V E N

Two Months Later

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Theodore inquired for the billionth time in the past five minutes. "You know no one is making you do it, right?"

I nodded. "I know, Theo, but I need to do this." I could feel my heart racing and my chest tightening with every second that passed with me staring at the door in the corner of the room.

"And I'm guessing you called your stupid friend to come with you to this insane thing instead of your husband because he isn't aware of what you are about to do."

"You guessed correctly," I admitted, fidgeting with the rings on my ring finger. "And you aren't stupid, Theo. You are an amazing friend that is just too nice to say no."

   Theo snorted, taking a seat next to me. "I can't argue with that. Guess that is what happens when you grow up surrounded by women."

"I don't see that as a bad thing. It makes you extremely likable, and I would know because my best friend doesn't stop gushing about you and how incredible and understanding you are." I said, smiling at him and watching how his pale cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

It was nice to see him being his old self again. After his little sister died, he went down a spiral. Thankfully his rash decision to move to Texas without telling anyone worked out in his favor.

He's been living there for the past two years, and not only has he slowly found himself with the help of great people, but he is now also dating Marjan. A pair that couldn't be more different from each other if they tried but at the same time work so darn perfectly together.

A distant buzz indicating a door opened and closed made my entire body tense as I hissed, and my shaking hands rested on the lower side of my stomach, where I felt the baby kick hard.

"Everything okay?" Theo put a hand on my shoulder, looking ready to call for help.

I nodded, giving him a reassuring smile even though my heart felt like it would jump out of my chest.

"The baby is just kicking."

Since the baby started kicking about a month ago, it hadn't stopped, especially when I felt anxious. It was as if the baby could tell how I was feeling and wanted to let me know they were there for me. Right now, it wasn't any different.

Even though it was obvious I was expecting due to my stomach getting bigger every month, the constant kicking, and all the terrible symptoms that being pregnant came with, there were times it felt like I had been imagining the entire thing.

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