Author's Note

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First, I hope that every single one of you it's doing okay, especially during this holiday season. I know how hard this time of year can be for some (myself included).

Second, I wanted to give you guys a few personal updates because I have left you all wondering what will happen In the next chapter.

I have finally graduated with my Master's degree, and because of it, I'm starting a new job in a couple of days. I'm honestly so excited but super scared because this new job is challenging (I'm going to be a therapist!). Even though I'm super excited, I'm also having a rough time due to depression and financial struggles (I told you guys that the holidays are yucky for me). Leaving those two little facts aside, I'm okay, and I know everything will get better.

Anyway, I haven't updated because of all the chaos with graduation, interviews, and whatnot, but I will be updating in the following days.

To those still here reading this story that started almost three years ago, THANK YOU!

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