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"What else did the information Sarah sent you say?" Evan inquired, pushing away what caused this sexual situation between us just a few seconds ago as usual. Throughout the years, I've learned that he was excellent at avoiding his personal issues, and as always, I was stupid enough to fall for it.

"Well, I didn't get to read the whole thing because someone appeared out of nowhere with a chain saw ready to cut an innocent guy's head off," I teased, earning an annoyed look from him. I fought back the urge to stick out my tongue at him like the childish person I was. "But from what I managed to read, she was released on probation a couple of weeks ago after finishing the rehabilitation program. By the looks of it, she can't leave the state and still has to meet at the center twice a week for therapy."

"You think the package was from her?"

"I don't even know what to think anymore. She tried to kill me twice before. Her finding my address to terrorize me again doesn't sound that far off." I admitted, reaching over to fix his name tag. My fingers lingered on his chest for a couple of seconds before I registered what I was doing and stepped away from him.

It was too coincidental that Chloe was released around the same time I got the package. Both Ian and her were insane, but the one with stalker tendencies from the very beginning was Chloe. She followed me for months when I moved to California, sending me weird letters and pictures. Then appeared where I used to live out of nowhere.

It had to be her. There was no other explanation.

"We have to tell Athena." Evan started taking his phone out of his pocket, but I quickly held his wrist, stopping him.

"We sounds like a lot of people."

I felt him let go of the phone before he turned his hand around and took mine in it. "Yes, we because I know you are not going to say anything. Therefore, you either call her now or I will tell her myself. You choose."

I pulled my hand away and turned around to face the door. I couldn't look at him because if I did, he would see how I really felt about this whole joke. The thought of going through the things both Ian and Chloe put me through in the past two years again terrified me.

"I can take care of it on my own, Buck."

"Agatha, I understand you think you don't mean anything to me, but I'm not going to stand here and let them do anything to you. I let that happen twice before, and there's no way I'm letting that happen for the third time. Not again. Also, things are different now. You have Maia, and I don't want either Ian or Chloe, for that matter, hurting our daughter."

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now