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    "Are you sure you'll be able to handle her?" I  asked Theo after our Uber parked in front of my townhouse.

    After spending a couple of hours at the club celebrating my birthday, I decided to go home. People might think there's something wrong with me, but I've never been a party person, and I was not about to start when the death of my twenties was around the corner.

    "Guys, I feel weird." Daisy giggled, clumsily laying her head on Theodore's shoulder.

    Throughout the night, Daisy kept taking shots with Mateo and Nancy until Theodore and I had to intervene. If she kept drinking the way she was doing, she would've gotten sick in no time hours ago.

    "I'll be fine. What's the worse that can happen? She'll either throw up on me or fall asleep in about five minutes." The Uber driver looked over the review mirror, alarmed at the word vomit.

    I gave him an apologetic smile. If I were in his shoes, I would, too, be worried about some three idiots vomiting in my car.

    "If you need anything, call me. I'm a couple of minutes away." I looked over at my house before looking back at my friends. "I mean it."

"We'll be fine. Right, Teddy?" Daisy dismissed me with a flick of her hand, cuddling against Theo.

Theo chuckled in response to how much of a mess Daisy was but quickly gave me a thumbs up in response. "You heard her. We'll be fine."

"Happy birthday, girly! Sorry, you couldn't get laid tonight." Daisy slurred, clumsily patting my thigh. "It's okay, though. You can do it yourself. It's better anyway. Guys suck."

I raised my eyebrows at her. This was a whole different Daisy from the one I'm used to, and I had to admit that it was pretty amusing.

"Okay, good night Agatha." Theodore cleared his throat awkwardly.

Thanking the Uber driver who looked uncomfortable in the driver's seat and saying goodbye to my friends, I ran as fast as my high heels allowed me to try to get covered from the pouring rain. Tonight there was going to be a bad storm, and by the looks of it, it was in its process of starting.

Opening the front door, I was met by the faint sound of the television in the living room. Setting my small purse and keys on the decorative table at the entrance, I saw my sweet neighbor, Mrs. Patty, on the sofa, crocheting what looked like a blanket.

"Darling, you are home early." She said, adjusting her glasses as she noticed my presence. "Did you have fun?"

I nodded, smiling. "Surprisingly, I did. I cut it short, though, because I knew it would storm, and Maia gets scared. I'm also exhausted, and I missed my baby. Guess I'm getting old."

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now