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N I N E T E E N(Slight trigger warning ⚠️)

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(Slight trigger warning ⚠️)

   "Um, are you okay?" Ravi questioned from somewhere behind me. The poor guy has been following my every move trying to avoid Evan, who still at times was up his ass, but right now was not a time I wanted to be followed. "Sorry. That's a dumb question. You obviously don't look okay."

    Resting a hand on a nearby tree, I held up my pointer finger in the air with my free hand, letting him know I needed a second before throwing up my entire dinner.

    To say that this 24-hour shift has been easy would be an understatement.

    Since the shift started at 8 am yesterday, it has been nonstop calls every hour of the day. Every time we thought we would have a minute to catch our breaths, the alarm would go off, and apparently, so did my stomach.

    I have embarrassingly thrown up twice while on different calls, making this one the third. I say embarrassingly because I have never gotten sick on a call. I didn't even get it while doing my practice as an emergency nurse in college.

    Today my stomach has been reacting just like a probie with the first gruesome call jitters would.

    "Ugh, why is it so hot?" I groaned in frustration, wiping my mouth in disgust with the back of my hand.

    I couldn't wait for this shift to end so I could go home and take a nice cool shower in the hopes of it taking away whatever was wrong with me today.

    "It's actually in the mid-sixties." Ravi pointed out, showing me the smartwatch on his wrist for confirmation.

    Ignoring his comment, I took off my turnout jacket and instantly felt slightly cooler.

"Go help the others with that," I nodded towards where the rest of the team was trying to find a man that got buried alive in this vast ridiculous field. "I"m fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't make me start calling you probie. I swear I'm fine." I reassured him with a lame double thumbs up.

Ravi looked between the team and me. From the look on his face, I could tell that he was having a small mental battle with himself before he finally nodded and left to join the others.

With a sigh, I found a different tree closer to the firetrucks and sat on the ground leaning against the rough bark.

Popping a mint in my mouth, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to eliminate the nausea that still lingered.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now