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Pulling up the sleeves of my LAFD hoodie, I scanned the place, ignoring all the stares I was getting from the gross drunk men in the room.

It didn't take me long to spot Evan beside a billiard table, babbling about who knows what.

"What are you drinking tonight, sweetheart?" A man who I recognized from the 117 firehouse slurred. Rolling my eyes at him, I walked toward my fiancé.

  A blonde female who was equally drunk or worse as Evan was extending another alcoholic drink towards him while she sipped from her cup. Before he had the chance to grab it, I took it from her just in time.

"Oh, I think that's enough for tonight, blondie." I set the drink down on the billiard table.

"Excuse you?" She chided, giving me an annoyed look.

"Aggs! I thought you said you weren't coming. Wait, why are you wearing pajama pants?" Evan eyed my polka dot pants, sounding both drunk and confused.

"Maybe because it's 11 pm. Also, I'm just here to save you from doing an Evan Buckley. Let's go." I grabbed him by the arm and started pulling him with me until blondie stood in front of us, blocking our way.

"Who do you think you are? He's a grown-ass man."

Was this girl for real?

    Rolling my eyes at her, I pressed my free hand on top of my heart. "My apologies, but I don't recall asking for your opinion. Now, excuse us. We have to leave." I told her sarcastically before walking around her, pulling Evan with me.

"I think I'm drunk." Evan slurred, leaning against me.

Raising an eyebrow at him, I held back a laugh. I sure hope he is the type of drunk that falls asleep quickly because if that wasn't the case, I was about to have one hell of a night.

"You think? Come on, Evan. Hen is already waiting in the car with Maia."

"Henrietta called you?"

I was literally about to fall asleep when Hen called asking if I could pick her and Buck up from the bar after having one too many drinks. Before I hung up, she added that blondie was also all over Evan, and knowing him; he needed to get rescued before something happened.

The team invited me to come earlier, but I declined the invitation. It kind of hurt a little that they forgot that I had been trying my best to stay away from anything that involved alcohol.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now