A Party

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"Hi iam cat, you are Izzy right!!" Cat greeted Izzy when she opened the door.

"yeah I know you" she said shaking her hand with cat. "Alec talked about you a lot, thank you for always being there for my brother" she said giving space to them to enter.

Rag, Milton, cat, Emmy entered the hall and greeted others.

"hi guys" Magnus greeted walking towards them and they all sat on the sofa.

"Magnus!!! I swear if you don't come now, I'm gonna really punch your face" they listened to the voice from inside Magnus' room and laughed.

"Devil, devil... devil….devil…. iam so mad at you DEVIL…." Alec kept shouting and everyone in that living room started to laugh so loud.

Magnus rolled his eyes and started to walk towards his room.

"devil...dev…." Alec stopped shouting when Magnus entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Have you lost your mind, I told you that name is a secret between us, you can only call me that when we are alone" Magnus said sitting in front Alec.

Alec smirked looking at his angry boyfriend "I will call you whatever I want and whenever I can, I don't need your permission for that.especially when you left me like this devil".

"you are stubborn, one day i'm gonna break that and you will do whatever I say and beg for everything" Magnus said looking up and down at him.

"I hope that day comes soon" he mumbled leaning forward and captured Magnus' lips with his.

"hmmm…." Magnus pulled himself backwards "as much as I love to do this for the rest of my life. My friends came to see us so we will continue this after a little chit chat with them".

Alec looked suspiciously at him "but you just met them then why are they here" he asked.

"yeah i did" Magnus smirked and stood up, wrapped his arms around Alec to lift him.

"oh god, now I am afraid. you planned something, aren't you" he asked wrapping his arms around Magnus neck and holding him tight.

"you will know" he winked at Alec.

"tell me my siblings are going to be okay" he asked and continued "they gave back your stuff, they are not gonna give you any trouble. so please"

"keep quiet my hubby" he warned and placed a kiss on cheek, Alec rolled his eyes and hid his blush.

When they entered the living room, Alec greeted others and asked about Rach and Raph.

"Rach was exhausted from work, she wants to be a sleeping beauty for tonight and Raph has a night shift" cat replied. The conversation started lightly between them, Alec saw Magnus signalling Milton and he looked at his siblings.

"Magnus, are you ready" Milton asked.

"me!! for what" Magnus asked acting like he don't know anything.

"are you forget, Cat and Rag giving a party at our favourite pub" he replied.

"A PARTY'' Alec siblings and friends shouted looking at each other and smiles spread around their faces.

"you know I can't leave Alec like this, you guys go and enjoy. maybe take them with you, you know they haven't gone anywhere since they came here" Magnus said pointing at Jace, Clary, Izzy and Simon.

"you can go Magnus, you don't have to stay for me and my siblings not going anywhere" Alec replied.

"what no!!!" Simon said and Alec glared at him.

Magnus smiled and leaned closer to Alec ear "are you sure you want me to go because I planned something for you. something you are going to love. so shut up and let them go" whispered.

Alec completely ignored it and said "Magnus you don't understand they will get into trouble if they go without me. no one can handle my siblings"

"hey we can take care of ourselves" Jace and Izzy said and stood up "we will get ready".

"wow i'm so excited. I listened so much about nightlife in Newyork, it's going to be amazing" Clary clapped her hands with excitement and ran towards the room.

"I told you no one is going to leave this house. you don't know how to take care of yourselves. you are kids, iam not gonna allow this in my house" Alec shouted looking at them who disappeared through the door.

Magnus and his friends laughed looking at Alec. "why are you laughing, it's not funny. you don't know anything about them." Alec said.

"relax Alec, I don't drink and watch your siblings. they will be okay and they are not kids, you guys are the same age.you don't have to worry that much" cat said.

Alec ignored that and looked beside his boyfriend "Magnus please you also go with them. It's okay I can handle myself".

"Alec, they will enjoy, let them go and I just want to spend some alone time with you. you know how much I exhausted these five days" Magnus said caressing Alec cheek.

Alec quickly removed Magnus hand "I swear Magnus Bane, if anything happens….." he tried to give warning but nothing came out of his mouth because he loves Magnus so much and he can't say anything, he silently sat there.

"Please be careful" Alec said looking at his siblings and friends, Magnus wrapped his arms around him pulling him in his embrace.

"we will, don't worry about us Alec. take medicine and sleep peacefully" Jace said.

Magnus' friends jaw dropped looking at them, Clary wore slim fit knee length blue color dress with matching jewelry and Izzy wore black split knee length dress with perfect makeup and her hair ponytailed. the boys wore white t-shirts with blue jeans, Simon with black blazer and Jace with blue blazer.

"call me every fifteen minutes and don't touch alcohol and don't drink too much. If you guys come home drinking so much, I'm gonna leave you starving for two days and I will take your phones and laptop" Alec shouted and everyone laughed standing at the door.

"you know you are going to be a great father in future" Magnus said once the door closed.

"Hmmm….I hope they don't get into any trouble" Alec said thinking about his siblings and friends.

"Alec forget about them for a few hours. I want you to think about me only. This moment I want to cherish. I want to have a movie night with you" Magnus said looking into hazel eyes and placed a kiss on Alec forehead.

"I will go and fresh up, then we will start" he said and stood up.

"why am I sensing it is not only a movie night!! is there anything" Alec asked resting his head on the sofa handle looking at Magnus.

"you will know" Magnus shouted and disappeared into his room.

"you will know" Magnus shouted and disappeared into his room

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