Buried Feelings

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I walked slowly along the dark corridors of the opera house, continually having the nagging feeling of someone watching and following me. My hand was trailing on the wall, the cold uneven stone beneath my finger tips. I turned a corner and crashed into someone, falling flat on my butt.
I looked up to meet the eyes of Joseph Boquet. Sadness took over, I was actually hoping it was the phantom. "What's a pretty lady like you doing out so late at night?" He slurred stumbling on himself.
"Nothing of your concern." I replied standing up and smoothing out my dress. I tried to walk past him but he put his arms on either side of him to block me.
"You're not going anywhere, pretty girl, unless you can pay me a little something." He hinted closing the distance in between us.
I snorted in disgust, "I'd rather die." I spat and ducked under his arm.
He grabbed my arm and yanked me back, I swung my fist around and it connected with his face. He fell to the ground, his beer bottle fell with him, sounding with a large crack. He was holding his face, I turned around and walked down the hall.
"Watch out for the phantom! Or he'll get you with his magical lasso!" He called after me.
Before I was about to turn down another hallway, I stopped and countered a-matter-of-factly, "it's called s Punjab you drunken dim wit." And with that I walked on.
Long winding stairs stood ahead of me in the dark, I slowly walked up to to them and began climbing the steps. The torchlight was definitely not as useful as electricity, and it made it hard to see right in front of me.
I sighed as I tripped over myself for about the seventh time and continued walking up the metal stairs. I reached the top and walked out the door, that's when I realized this is the path to the roof.
"Oh my lord! It's the roof!" I squealed excitedly to myself. I ran over to a statue and climbed up to the top, le sign my head on one of the gargoyles wings. I wrapped my dress tighter around me as the wind whipped wildly around me, chilling me to the bone. "Probably should have brought a cloak... Oh well too late now." I scolded myself under my breath.
I closed my eyes and began humming "Angel Of Music" breathily. Gradually the humming began to get louder and louder until I was singing out loud.
I stopped when I heard a small CLACK on the stone behind me, I turned quickly and nothing was there.
"Oh stop Amiele! You are just being paranoid!" I chided to myself loudly.
Slowly, I climbed down the statue and I turned to the edge. I let my legs fall over the edge and I played with the red rose in my hand, my head leaning against the statue to my side.
The petals were as soft as silk, the Rose was surely picked at its full bloom. The thorns were prickly and the stem a dark shade of green, the black ribbon was tied securely around the stem. It was the most beautiful rose I'd ever seen!
The crisp cold wind cut like and knife on my skin, but it was refreshing. The cold, almost minty air was a change. I sighed, I could stay up here all night, another whoosh of wind cut through the air and I shuddered.
I tried my best to ignore the cold as I stare at the sky above. Stars and constellations were scattered across the sky. Illuminating the dark night with its beauty and calmness.
I began thinking of Cat and Jordan, no doubt they both love each other, they are in love. The true kind of love too. "Only if I could love someone like that, and them me...." I whispered to myself, "but nothing is ever like that."

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