Masquerad Part 1

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The masquerade was today, and along with my dress, I wore a fake smile.
The smile had been forced onto my face ever since Firmin put the ring on my necklace.
Ever since I agreed to marry him.
I guess that means I would have to force smiles onto my face for the rest of my life.
That's a really motivational thought...
Me and Firmin stood arm in arm outside the opera house, he looked ridiculous honestly.
I had remembered the Rose as a final touch to my mask, but even the compliments could not make me feel any better.
'Remember this is for Erik.' That is the only thought that kept me going.
The plan was to be set into action just like the movie, except he would try to make his love for her more known.
I was the only person wearing red, which was a head turner, but it didn't matter to me.
Nothing really did anymore. "Monsieur Firmin!" Shouted Andre in greeting.
"Monsieur Andre!" Firmin called back.
"Congratulations on your engagement." Andre commented seeing the ring around my neck, Firmin nodded and I cracked a forced smile.
"Dear Andre what a splendid party."
"The prelude to a bright new year."
"Quite a night, I'm impressed."
"Well one does ones best."
"Here's to us!" They said together.
"A toast for the city." Andre raised his glass of champagne.
"What a pity that the phantom can't be here!" Firmin added, I flinched at the thought of Erik, at least he would be happy. Or so I think he will....
We entered to the party in full swing, we were halfway up the staircase standing near the railing, listening to the singing of the crowd.
Paper faces on parade!
Hide your face so the world will never find you! Masquerade!
Every fave a different shade!
Look around there's another mask behind you!
Flash of mauve,
Splash of puce,
Fool and king,
Ghoul and ghost,
Green and black,
Queen and priest,
Trace of roque,
Face of beast,
Take your turn, take a ride,
On the merry go round,
In an inhuman eye race,
Eye of gold,
True or false,
Who is who?
Trace of lip,
Swirl of gown,
Ace of hearts,
Face of clown,
Drink it in, drink it up,
Till you've drowned in the light, in the sound,
But who cans name that face?
Grinning yellows, spinning reds,
Take your fill, let the spectacle astound you,
Burning glances, turning heads,
Stop and smile at the sea of smiles around you,
Seething shadows, seeping lies,
You cans fool any friend who ever knew you,
Leering satyrs, peering eye,
Runs And hide but a face will still pursue you!"
"What a night!" Carlotta stated.
"What a crowd!"Firmin added.
"Makes you glad." Andre commented.
"Makes your proud, all the crme de la crme." Firmin continued.
"Watching us." Madame Giry said.
"Watching them." Meg finsihed.
"All our fears are in the past." Carlotta guaranteed lamely.
"Three months." Andre began.
"Of relief!" Piangi commented.
"Of delight!" Carlotta added.
"Of Elysian peace!" Andre concluded.
"And we breathe at last!" Piangi mumbled.
"No more notes!" Carlotta stated.
"No more ghost!" Piangi confirmed.
"Here's a health," Madame Giry proposed.
"Here's a toast! To a prosperous year!" Andre finished.
"To the new chandiler." Firmin toasted. "To my soon-to-be-wife that is here!" He whispered to me and I inwardly shuddered.
"And May that splendor never fade!" Piangi and Carlotta chorused.
"What a blessed release!" Andre and Firmin said in unison.
"And what a masquerade!" Madame Giry complimented.
Too bad all good things must come to an end.

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