The Wedding

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One of Erik's hand lay on my waist, the other on my stomach. And might I say, it is extremely hard to concentrate on singing with his hands on me.
I kept on messing up and he kept on criticizing me. He was a very strict yet passionate teacher, and he expected only perfection.
Perfection, yea right.
"Amiele, you must concentrate! This should be easy for you!" Erik chastised me for the one hundredth time today.
"Huh." Is all I answered he just shook his head and remove his hands from their position.
"Practice is over, you must be more concentrated next time." Erik explained, 'well if your hands weren't on me I'd be fine! Have me put my hands on you and tell you to concentrate! It's not easy!' I yelled at him mentally.
"Thanks. I've got to go get ready for the wedding anyways." I mumbled, Erik just nodded and put his hand on my lower back, leading me out. I felt sparks fly where our skin made contact and couldn't help but cherish the few moments we touched.
I hugged him and exited through the prima Donna door, rushing out to the carriage that Cat waited in.
"Just one more tighter." I heard Christine demand through gritted teeth, tightening my dress one more notch.
"I cat breathe." I wheezed out.
"That's good." She countered playfully.
"If I pass out from lack of oxygen it's your fault then." I retorted, she put her hands up in mock surrender.
"Let's go." Christine grabbed my hand and pulled me to Cat's wedding room. Meg was helping her into the dress and it was beautiful, she looked amazing in it.
"Cat your so pretty." I whispered in her ear, she gasped and craned her neck to look at me.
"Thank you! You are so beautiful too!" She complimented, I just shook me head, choking slightly on the words.
Everyone took their positions a few minutes later, the service took place on a hill overlooking a meadow, there were flowers everywhere and it was amazing.
I couldn't really concentrate on much, because I was so happy, but I did get snapped out of my thoughts when the priest said "you may kiss the bride." And kiss the bride Jordan did. I laughed as I watched Jordan scoop Cat up and bring her to a carriage that had 'tout juste marié' on the back.
I waved to Cat and blew her a kiss, she is so lucky to be with a guy like that, to be loved, to be happy in the love....
He smiled back at me and waved before Jordan had her concealed in the black drapes of the carriage.
I plopped on the seat of my Prima Donna chair. "How was the wedding?"
I fell out of my chair and clutched my chest, "my god Erik! You scared me, don't do that!"I yelled at him playfully.
"I'm sorry for the disturbance then Miss Belrose." Erik apologized sarcastically.
"How is Don Juan?" I asked changing the subject.
This got Erik's attention and he sat down on my bed, instead of lurking in the shadows. "It is going... Well... As bad as it could." He stated, I laughed and he just glared at me.
"Well why is it going 'bad'?" I questioned popping in a strawberry chocolate peppermint. I threw him one too and he looked at me questioningly, "strawberry chocolate peppermint." I answered and he nodded, popping it in his mouth as well.
"Well my muse is very weak at the moment, so ideas and melodies are not coming easily." He explained rubbing the unmasked part of his face.
"Aye, you'll get your muse back, anyways you have until New Years to have it done. That's when the next piece of the plan takes place." I started, "you'll be fine."
He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a knock on the door, I sighed and stood up. I opened the door to see Firmin, "Hello Amiele, I was wondering if you were busty and and would do me the honor of going to dinner with me?"
"Sure, I'll be out in a minute." I shut the door and turned around to be chest to chest with Erik. "Jeezle peets Erik! Stop doing that." I mumbled trying to go past him but he blocked my path.
"Where are you going?" He grot through his clenched teeth.
"To dinner, with Firmin." I answered simply, "you heard the whole conversation."
I saw his face contort with rage as he swiftly turned around and exited my room through the mirror. I sighed and grabbed a pair of shoes, and walked out the door.
"Hello Amiele, I was wondering if you were busty and and would do me the honor of going to dinner with me?" I heard someone ask, the voice sounded familiar.
"Sure, I'll be out in a minute." My Amiele as needed turning around to be chest to chest with me. I may have agreed to her terms, but she was still mine, she always will be....
"Jeezle peets Erik! Stop doing that!" She chastised me playfully trying to get around me to her dresser, I blocked her path.
"Where are you going?" I spat through my teeth, anger and jealousy boiling inside me.
"To dinner, with Firmin." She answered simply, "you heard the whole conversation."
I felt my face turn into a mask of rage, and I clenched my fists at my side turning and leaving through the mirror.
No matter what, she would be mine. Christine or not....
She was mine, and no one was to change that.
And no one was to steal her from me.

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