The meeting

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I sat on the roof waiting, for the phantom, but whether he was coming or not I would not know.
I hoped he did, so I could set my plan into action, and help him win his love, Christine.
A small squeal attempted to escape my mouth as I thought about Erik finding his love. 'You should be finding your own love-life Amiele! Not helping others for nothing!' A small voice nagged at me. I ignored it and continued humming 'The Music Of The Night' looking up at the bleak empty sky.
I finally replied the voice in my head, 'helping someone, Erik precisely, is a gift enough, he deserves love too, my love life is never gonna happen.' I laughed internally, and suddenly felt a presence lurking behind me. I abruptly stood up and turned around, "uhhhhh- hi. I know your there Monsieur Le Phantom. And I want to help you." I explained my lips pressed in a thin line.
I could almost hear his confusion and see it linger in the air, "you are not afraid Mademoiselle?" He paused to let me answer, which I answered with a curt shake of my head. "What would you like to help me with, exactly?" He continued cautiously, he obviously didn't trust me yet, but he probably trusted me more than the rest of the opera house. Save Madame Giry.
"I want to help you win Christine." I stated confidently holding my ground under his blazing gaze.
This definitely tipped his interest, I could hear the protectiveness, anger, and a slight tint embarrassment in his voice as he spoke. "How do you know about us?"
"It does not matter Monsieur, what matters is if you get her." I countered my voice soft yet confident. He stepped out of the shadows and took a step towards me. I saw the outline of his body and some fine details on his cloak and suit. His hair was indeed slicked back and a porcelain white mask sat on the right side of his face. The unscarred face was beautiful, handsome in fact. And I couldn't help but choke on my breath at the sight of him.
"And why does this matter to you?" He asked squinting his beautiful stark neon green eyes at me.
I smiled at him gently. "Well, a consider this a way to set some scores straight. Anyways, I believe everyone should have a fair chance for love, and people should not judge you for your face. The beauty lies within, and anyone who can witness yours would truly fall in love with you. That's why Monsieur, because you deserve as much of a chance at love as Raoul, or I do." I pressed on, my words flowing out fluently.
His face was one of pure shock, and finally after about a minute of opening and closing his mouth, he stuttered out: "what scores?"
"Some personal ones..." I trailed off, "mainly the fact that society had damned you because of your appearance. Nevertheless, are you willing to take on my offer?"
He didn't hesitate a moment to answer me. "Yes, I will."
"Well then," I started smirking lightly, "let's get started."

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