'Il Muto'

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The curtains for 'Il Muto' had just been opened and I was sitting in a box with Jordan, Firmin,
Andre, and Catherine. I think it was Box 7 but I couldn't be sure. It was right across from Box 5 though, so I had a perfect view Raoul staring at Christine. It was quite funny really watching him practically fall over the railing to get a good look at her when she wasn't even on the stage yet.
I couldn't help but hear 'FOP ALERT' being said in my head with little sirens, i snickered quietly at the thought
Although I didn't like Raoul as competition for Christine, he seems like he'd be that one friend you'd think you'd hate but would really be awesome.
I sighed, and listened in on the apparently funny opera. "They say this youth has set my ladies heart a flame!"
"His lordship would sure die of shock!"
"His lord ship is a laughing stock!"
"Should he suspect her God protect her!"
"Shame, shame, shame." They harmonized. Their costumes should have been the laughing stock if you ask me, I couldn't never imagine having to wear that much clothes or make up daily. "This faithless lady is bound for hades! Shame, shame, shame."
The curtain drew from the bed where Christine and Carlotta were 'together'. "Serafimo- your disguise is perfect!" Carlotta's shrill voice sang, there was a fake knock from off stage. "who can this be?"
"Gentle wife, admit your loving husband. My love, I am called of England on affairs of estate." Piangi sang, his baritone voice echoing throughout the opera house. He wasn't that bad, but he was nothing compared to Erik. "And must leave you with your new maid." Piangi sang acting like he was groping Christine. "Though I'd happily take the maid with me." He said the last part behind his little staff.
"The old fool is leaving." Carlotta stage whispered. The audience burst into laughter at this, to be honest I found the costumes to be the funniest part of the opera.
"I suspect my young bride is untrue to me, I shall not leave but will hide over there. To observe her." Piangi stage whispered to the audience.
"Audieu, Audieu, Audieu." Piangi and Carlotta sang together spinning in a circle around one another their hands touching in the air.
"Serafimo! Away with this pretense! You may not speak but kiss me in my husband's absence!" Christine ripped off her maid uniform and strut confidently over to Carlotta, they both went behind the extended fan and 'kissed.' I saw Piangi behind the door, most of his body was hidden but his fist was in the air and he was waving it mock angrily. A mad expression on his face.
"Poor fool he makes me laugh! Ha ha ha ha! Time to get a better half! Poor fool he doesn't know!" Carlotta belt out, her voice was starting to hurt my ears.
"Ho ho ho ho, if he knew the truth he'd never ever go!" Everyone chorused.
"Did I not instruct that Box 5 was to be kept empty?" Erik's deep voice boomed throughout he opera house.
An eruption of gasps sounded through the theater and I saw both managers sit up straighter beside me.
"He's here: the phantom of the opera!" I saw Meg mouth to Christine who replied just as low.
"It's him. I know it's him!"
"Your part is silent little toad!" Carlotta snapped, looking back at the audience with a sweet innocent look on her face.
"A toad Madame? Perhaps it is you who is the toad." I barely heard Erik threaten. 'SHIZ IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN.' I thought it myself and snickered silently, this was to be the funniest opera ever.
Carlotta went of stage momentarily to get what I assume was the spray. "Poor fool he makes me laugh, ha ha ha ha ha! CROAK!" I burst into laughter at Carlotta's croak on the high note, I clutched Cat beside me and we laughed in each other's arms. I was literally crying with laughter, this was so much better in person.
"Ladies and gentleman, we apologize, the performance will continue in ten minutes time... When the role of Countess will be played by Miss Christine Daae." Firmin announced dragging Christine from inside the curtain into view. "Meanwhile, we'd like to give you the ballet from Act Three of tonight's opera."
The stage was set up and the curtains open, the performance had just begun when WHOOSH and down came Joseph Buquet. Hung.
Screams and gasps sounded everywhere. I cursed at myself mentally, 'This is exactly what I told you not to do Erik!'
"Ladies and gentlemen please remain seated!" Andre begged the curtains closing once more.
"Do not panic!" Firmin added.
"It was an accident, simply an accident." Andre concluded slowly. I jumped up from my seat and raced to the roof, taking a short cut to get there. I hid behind a statue and watched Christine and Raoul come onto the roof from the door.
This couldn't end well.

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