Shopping and Letters

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"Come on Amiele! Christine and Meg are waiting!" Cat yelled at me as she climbed into a black carriage.
I huffed and climbed in after her, meeting two more familiar faces. "Christine, Meg." I said a large smile plastered on my face.
"Where were you?" Meg asked me nosily.
I just laughed and answered in between breaths, "with Firmin, he invited me to lunch."
"Oooooooooh some one has a lover." Meg teased hitting me playfully.
"Maybe, but I didn't have a reason not to go. Anyways, it wasn't all that bad, he was good company." I explained my laughing had vanished, I definitely did not like him like that. "What did you talk about?" Cat inquired curiously.
"Normal things, favorite stuff, family, ecetera." I replied casually.
Cat nodded and I diverted my attention to Christine, who looked dazed, I bet I looked the same way.
We all climbed out of the carriage and we appeared at the doorstep of a large, expensive looking dress shop.
Oh dear god help me.
After about an hour of looking, we had all found the perfect dresses, they were matching in style but different in color. The dress had lace sleeves and a flowed like a river down to the ground.
Christine picked a pink one, Meg a blue one, and me a red one. We also got to see the wedding dress in which Cat had customized. It was beyond beautiful, beautiful would not even compare to it.
The dress was strapless, which I didn't even think existed in this time. It had silver lace with flowers and swirls all around it. The skirt was tight around the waist and gradually flowed out until it was wide at he hem of the dress. Part of the skirt was silky ruffles and the other half made a see through half circle around the ruffles.
"It's so beautiful." Christine whispered in awe at the dress. I just nodded dumbly as did Meg.
"Thank you so much, I had a great time, now we really must be getting back for dinner." Cat stated happily grabbing the dresses and walking out of the store. Me, Christine, and Meg followed suit, we climbed into the carriage and went home.
Cat and Meg talked the whole time, but me and Christine just sat silently. I guess Erik was weighing down on both of us.
"Ladies! Ladies wake up!" Meg sang in a playful voice, shaking me and Christine.
"Huh?" We both said in unison.
Cat and Meg snickered, "we're here." Cat explained her hands waving in the air as an 'that's obvious' gesture.
I glared at her and climbed out of the carriage, grabbing my dress and leading everyone into the opera house.
Right when we walked in Firmin, Andre, and Raoul all gasped at once in relief. We all looked at them skeptically as Raoul grabbed Christine's arm and Firmin mine and led us up the stairs and down a hallway into an office. "What's going on?" Me and Christine asked in harmony, we both looked at each other and giggled like little school girls.
"The Opera Ghost sent me and the Vicomte notes..." Firmin started, my palms began to sweat in anticipation, I rubbed them against my skirt trying to dry them. "they stated that I was to stay away from Miss Belrose, and the Vicomte Miss Daae."
I felt rage bubbling inside of me, how dare he! I was not his to control! And he sent me away for trying to help! He is going to hear and earful from me, that's for sure!
I felt my fists clench at my sides and no doubt my face was red. "Oh." Was all Christine said, I didn't dare say anything in fear I may start cussing.
I composed myself, "I- uh. Don't exactly know how to respond to this..." I breathed out, 'well without smashing Erik's head into the wall or cussing in every language you know!' I yelled internally at myself.
"Come one lets just leave." Christine whispered to me, tugging on my sleeve and pulling me to the door. I nodded gritting my teeth and followed Christine. She led me to the prima Donna room and opened the door, gingerly closing it behind her. I sat down in the chair sitting in front of the dresser. She sat down on the edge of the dresser and looked at me with a multitude of emotions; including concern, confusion, and curiosity.
"Well that was interesting." She sighed quietly and I huffed in annoyance.
"Men are so confusing, they wear me out." I dead panned rubbing my face with my hand.
"I'd bet they'd say the same thing about us." She countered and I just laughed. "We probably missed dinner, want to go get something?" She asked hopefully. As if on cue my stomach rumbles, "I take that as a yes." She jested, we both giggled and I grabbed her hand.
"I have an idea! Let's have a picnic on the roof, to escape these man-shananagins!" I suggested, she nodded enthusiastically and we both ran to the kitchen. We packed some bread, cheese, turkey, glasses, a water jug, and some cookies. Christine grabbed a thin blanket and got us both a thick jacket. We slipped our jackets on and sprinted to the stairs.
"Beat you to the top!" She called after me as she began her ascent up the stairs.
"Hey that's not fair!" I called back to her, I remembered my secret passage I found and ran down a secret corridor. I pulled a little switch to a shortcut to the roof. I ran as fast as I could trying not to spill the water and opened the door to the top. Christine came out a little after me and looked at me shocked.
"How did you...." She but the words wouldn't come out.
I laughed at her reaction, "I come up here a lot, I know a few shortcuts."
She nodded and laughed with me setting out the blanket as she did so. We sat down and began unpacking to the food. "So what's it like having two guys like you?" I questioned wiggling my eyebrows.
"Well.... Hey don't you have two guys chasing you too?" She answered her face scrunched up.
"Nah," I said waving my hand. "Firmin may like me, but I don't like him like that, but I don't know what's up with the phantom...."
"Yes, my angel is very.... complicated." Christine said gently.
I laughed, "Complicated is a very very true word to describe him."
She giggled at my statement and took a bite into her turkey and cheese sandwich. I poured us a glass of water and raised it in the air. "For no complicated men!" I shouted, she leagues and clinked our glasses together. And with that, we both took a swig of our drink.

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