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We had been in at least twenty stores, and I don't think Catherine has a clue where we are.
Thank the lord Jordan is wealthy, because we would not have a carriage or the abundance of money to spend. "Are we even going to buy the bridesmaid dresses today?" I whined as Cat dragged me into another store.
"Nope, we are waiting till Christine and Meg can come, which is tomorrow. But a head start is never bad right? Anyways, you need more clothes." She replied happily. It was true, I had to borrow Christine's dress after my green one got dirty. Cat had been hanging out with Meg and Christine when she wasn't with Jordan or me. We had talked together and they were quite like how they were described in the story, only better.
I moaned, "this is so boring! We've already bought me a closet full of clothes! Specifically dresses!"
"Oh stop it, it's wedding." She countered stubbornly, we left the store empty handed for once and walked to a small cafe next door.
Cat ordered me a tea and her a cappuccino, along with some vanilla scones.
"Soooooooooooooooo what's up with you and Erik? You kissed yet?" Cat asked me casually taking a sip of her cappuccino.
I had just taken in a mouthful of tea when it spluttered out onto the table. "Umm what did you say?"I answered her question with a question, even though I heard her clear as day.
"Have you guys kissed yet?" She asked again, I shook my head vigorously, and she looked at me disappointed. "Shame. You guys are perfect for each other, you two are so in love."
I looked at her like she had three heads, "is this the same Erik we are talking about?" She nodded. "We are not in love, he loves Christine remember?"
"I know, but he loves Christine like a crush, he really loves you." She started simply, I cut her off before she could continue.
"Your crazy." I muttered taking a sip of my tea.
"And your in love." She countered playfully, I rolled my eyes at her silly antics.
"So you got a wedding dress?" I changed he subject quickly.
She nodded stuffing a vanilla scone down her throat, replying with a full mouth. "It's so beautiful, I bought the dress and it's being customized to my design right now."
I laughed at her lady like manners and she glared at me. I just shrugged and shoved a scone in my mouth, smiling at her and letting some of the crumbs escape. She laughed at this and spit out little crumbs of her own, which only made laugh too. After giggling for what seemed like hours we composed ourselves and a question popped into my head. "You think we will ever go back?"
She immediately knew what I was talking about. "I have no idea, but I like it here. It's not like we will be missed, everyone who would miss us is here. And I like it here better anyways."
I nodded agreeing with her, "just sucks, there's no phones or wifi."
We both chuckled lightly at my comment.
"Well you practically lived on your phone for Phantom Of The Opera, and now you are living in the time. You won't need it anymore." She pointed out.
"Touche." I said raising both my hands in defeat and then taking a swig of my tea.
"We should get going back." Cat declared rather loudly, she stood up quickly and hustled out the door.
I followed suit and climbed in the carriage after her, "um what's the hurry?" I queried my face contorted with confusion.
"It's almost eight o'clock!" She exclaimed, my eyes widen, we had been shopping for almost five hours!
"Holy shitacos." I cursed, had we really been out that long?
The horses set off for the opera house, I closed my eyes and thought about today.
Cat's little rant came back to mind about me and Erik. Did I love Erik?
'Yes, you just won't admit it.' My mind taunted me.
Does Erik love me? I doubted it but-'how would you know? You won't make a move on him, I bet he does.' No, no, no. Erik loves Christine and her alone, he would not be interested in someone like me.
And although I thought that, and I knew that was how it was supposed to be; I couldn't help but hear 'no that's not how it's supposed to be, you're not happy until you are with him.' I shook off the thought and listened to the gentle and consistent thumping of the horses hooves on the road.

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