Paris- saved from the Firmin

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"There really is nothing to do here when you are not secretly planning something with the opera ghost is there?" I muttered to myself as I walked around the Opera Populaire aimlessly.
I had just been told I was revoked the position as page boy by Andre, considering I was avoiding Firmin. Although that pair was always together, I honestly would have thought they were gay together if Firmin wasn't after me.
"Oh! Mademoiselle Belrose! Me and Firmin were just looking for you!" Andre called after me as he approached, I had just left the prima Donna room in hopes of finding Catherine.
"Why so Monsieur? I apologize if finding me took up your time." I commented, making sure Firmin wasn't hot on his tail.
"We just received a letter from O.G., we are to give Miss Daae the part of page boy, along with the Vicomte's request. It appears those two have a lovely past together." Andre added the last sentence to my annoyance. 'Curse you Raoul! Now everything will be much harder! Erik you better do a good job!' I cursed to myself silently.
"Thank you for telling me, I understand." I stated quickly, picking up my skirts and scurrying off to the stage.
I now sat watching rehearsals, Christine was no where to be found, and they were to end soon. Thank god Firmin was missing as well.
"Rehearsals are now over." Monsieur Reyer's voice boomed throughout the hall despite its high pitched tone. I heaved a sigh, now I had no where else to be. Which meant Firmin could find me, I shuddered at the thought, and shook it away.
Everyone exited the room, leaving me and a few stage hands that were finishing up left. I walked over to the piano where the orchestra played and ran my fingers over the ivory keys. I began humming one of my favorite songs, it was quite coincidental that the name is 'Paris', I stated playing the soft entrance on the piano, and before I knew it I was singing the song.
"Jet lag, been in a state of
disaster, Ever since I left you,
The last time, I saw you just fade away." I sang for leaving my old life behind, I sang in grief that I would probably never see my family again.
"Now I get lost, tracking my steps back,
It cost nearly everything that
I'm not ready to loose today.
Oh, no I'm not ready to loose everything I know,
I'm letting go of Paris
You know I held on too much
I left you at the station, I put you in my past
Oh and now darling, all that is behind us,
You never have to wonder, you never have to ask.
You never have to.
Drink up ever last drop and,
Shake off the feeling that you're watching
Me now, I should have just told the truth.
But now sweetheart, learn to listen the way I
Cannot forget a single day I
Spent rolling around the room with you.
It's just a fantasy, taking over like a disease
Pull me out of this, I can't breathe
It's burning through my chest.
A fantasy, taking over like a disease
Pull me out of this, I can't breathe
I just need a rest.
From Paris, you know I held on too much
I left you at the station, I put you in my past
Oh and now darling, all of that behind us
You never have to wonder, never have to ask.
Never have to.
It's just a fantasy, taking over like a disease
Pull me out of this, I can't breathe
It's burning through my chest,
A fantasy, taking over like a disease
Pull me out of this, I can't breathe
I just need a rest.
No I'm not ready to loose you again.
Oh Paris, you know I held on too much
I left you at the station, I put you in my past,
Oh and now darling, all that is behind us,
You never have to wonder, never have to ask,
Never have to.
Oh darling
You never have to ask,
Never have to." I finished singing, a large smile on my face, it felt good to sing this song and not an opera. It was relaxing.
Until I heard a single person clapping behind me. I turned slowly around to the last person I wanted to see.
"Mademoiselle Belrose! That was fantastic, I did not know you played piano! What song was that?" Firmin asked conversationally, taking long strides towards me a large smile on his face.
I sighed exasperated inwardly, "I can play piano and a couple other instruments, and the songs name is 'Paris' by..." I trailed off this song was from a different time. "Me." I made up, I sort of did own if considering it had not been made yet....
"That is fantastic! Oh yes, I forgot. I came to ask if you would like to join me for dinner tonight." Firmin stated straightening up. My eyes went wide and I began racking my brain for excuses. 'COME ON COME ON! Think!'
"Uhhhhhh, well I-" I began but was cut off by my savior.
"Sorry Monsieur, but Amiele is busy tonight looking for her bridesmaid dress for my wedding." Catherine cut in, walking down confidently to my side. Intertwining her arm in mine, my shoulders immediately relaxed and I mouthed 'thank you' to her, she just nodded.
"Yes, I'm sorry, maybe next time though." I finished acting hurt, I dragged Cat out of the room and ran down the hallway to my quarters. "Thank you so much! You are a life saver!" I whisper shouted to her. She laughed and I joined in.
"Hey, that's what best friends are for! Now let's get shopping!"

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