Think of Me

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I know the song "Think of Me", me and Cat sing it a ton, we even sang it in choir class once. But I've never performed in front of people! Heck I'm not even warmed up!
I missed the entrance....
"Oh, could you replay that? I wasn't ready." I stated my voice shaking, I was quite nervous especially since all eyes were on me.
"Think of me, think of me fondly,
When we've said goodbye." My voice was uneven and still shaky, 'Come one Amiele!' I shouted at myself, 'you're not gonna get out of this so you might as well pull your stuff together and sing like a pro!'
And with that I sang.
"Remember me,
Once in a while, please promise me you'll try." My voice gained a newfound confidence with each note that I got perfectly, and I was no longer scared; but anxious to see what new heights I could reach with my voice.
"When you find,
that once again you long,
to take your heart back and be free,
If you ever find a moment,
Spare a thought for me!" I could believe my voice, it was better than I had heard before, but I sang on. I sang for my family, my past life, I snag for all those I loved.
And I sang for the phantom.
"We never said our love was evergreen,
Or as unchanging as the sea,
But if you can still remember,
Stop and think of me!" I began smiling, I was overjoyed! To say the least, my voice was beginning to soar, and soar it did.
"Think of all the things,
We've shared and seen,
Don't think about the way things might have been.
Think of me, think of me waking,
Silent and resigned,
Imagine me, trying to hard to put you from my mind.
Recall those days,
Look back at all those times,
Think of the things we'll never do,
There will never be a day, that I won't think of you!" I hit the note perfectly, I was pouring my heart and soul into this song, my whole self.
"Flowers fade,
The fruits of summer fade,
They have their seasons so do we,
But please promise me that sometimes you will think of me!" I heard my voice hit the note, I had just sang perfection itself! I was beyond exhausted, I had poured my whole being into that song.
"Amiele that was amazing!" Cat screeched skipping over to me admiring widely as she pulled me into a hug. "You did much better than Christine would have." She whispered to me.
"Yes, but you 'Le chant ange français' or shall I say 'the French singing angel' could have done much better." I countered smirking, she smacked me playfully.
"Nonsense!" She replied smiling even wider.
"You did magnificent Amiele!" Jordan said pulling me and Catherine into a hug.
"Yes quite so, I believe we have found our prima Donna for tonight." Andre stated smiling happily.
"Yes, I agree. No refund for a full house thanks to the lovely Mademoiselle Belrose." Firmin added eyeing me again.
I wanted to punch the Perv in the face, but considering he was practically my employer it probably wasn't the best idea. "Thank you, I honestly had no idea I could sing like that." I stated laughing slightly, soon everyone else broke out into a chuckles and giggles as well.
Raoul congratulated me as well, which was quite nice of him. Then a thought occurred to me; if Christine doesn't sing, then Raoul won't recognize her.
Oh well, too late now.

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