The change

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When our lips touched a warm sensation spread through my body, it was like I was on fire. I hand related we had stood up until he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.
My hands reached up to his hair, tangling themselves into his dark locks.
The kiss was slow, and passionate, it was addicting, I could never get enough of it.
The mask was getting in the way of the kiss, so I moved my left hand to pull of the mask. My hand moved to his deformed face but he pulled away.
I looked up at him, and our eyes met.
That's when I first saw his face.
His face was scarred terribly, like it was burnt flesh that never healed.
It was a reddish yellow color and you could see scars and clans in contrast to the skin. It looked like someone played tic-tac-toe on his face with a knife then used it to put out a fire!
It was horrifying! But I refused to have a bad reaction. I took in a deep breath of air, 'I will not scream. I will not have a reaction.' I chanted in my head.
And I refused to pity.
It was like god played a sick trick on one of his angels, giving him a beautiful soul, and amazing talents.
But casting him out because someone so amazing just couldn't be the same as everyone else.
I stepped closer to him but he shouted at me. "NO GO AWAY! YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE REST!"
I shook my head and let a single tear fall down my face, I stepped again going against what he said.
"I don't want your pity." He sneered at me.
"I don't pity you." I began sincerely, "but I do pity those who don't get to see such beauty, I pity the people who aren't as lucky as I to witness what is before me." It came out in a low whisper.
He just looked at me and stepped again, I was within arms reach. My hand reached out to his deformed face and I touched it, running my finger up and down his rough flesh. He flinched at my touch but I just cupped his face and turned it towards me. Our eyes met again and I kissed the side of his deformed cheek.
"Go, just go." Erik managed out, his voice cracking and in pain.
"But Erik, what's-" I started concern evident in my voice.
"JUST GO!" He yelled louder his anger flaring. I flinched and nodded, trying not to act hurt. I ran in the water, not caring that it was cold and deep. I swam as fast as I could, as fast as my legs would take me.
My dress was soaked and was weighing me down but I went on.
I felt weak as the tears streamed down my face. Why are you crying over a man, Amiele?
'Because you like him!' My head answered logically, "not anymore," I muttered to myself, my voice cracking slightly. I ran down the tunnels tripping over my dress occasionally. "Stupid dress." I cursed as I tripped again.
I heard the faint pounding on an organ in the distance but ignored it, wanted to comfort him, but he obviously doesn't want comfort.
'I have no idea where I am going.' I thought to myself, 'huh...'
I slowly stopped, my footsteps geotag quieter and quieter until they stopped. "Well this is fantastic!" I said sarcastically.
I pushed myself to keep walking, and eventually I came to the end of a tall hallway to what looked like a little lever. I pulled on the lever which was quite rusted, after a hard pull and a large grunt from the machine the door opened to the prima Donna room.
"Thank god for intuition." I murmured in awe, "that's all the luck I'll get for the rest of my life."
I stood there for about ten seconds in silence when there was a rapping on the door. I sighed and called at the anonymous person, "Come in!"
I looked up to see Firmin in a nice tailored black and blue suit. It looked quite fitting for him, but it didn't make me attracted to him. "Ah mademoiselle Belrose! What a delight I was wondering- oh wait, why are you wet?" Firmin questioned me skeptically, his gaze going down to the bottom of my dress.
Oh god, I had completely forgotten I practically went swimming in the lake. "Uhhhh, to be honest I have no idea." I stated as I wrung my hands on the hem of my dress and pressing my lips together.
He laughed at me in friendly manner, and I couldn't help but laugh with him."Well then, I was wondering if you were busy and wanted to have lunch with me. Today." Firmin announced hope lacing his voice.
I was about to refuse when I thought, one, I don't have anything to do, two, I'm going shopping after lunch, and three, it will help me get the Erik situation off my mind. "Yes, that would be great, but I may have to come back by around two o'clock, we are going shopping again."
He smiled and nodded, "of course, I'll leave you to get dressed, ten minutes." And with that he left. I sighed and walked to the closet, pulling out a floor length light blue dress. It was simple yet elegant and hugged my waist, it had zero cleavage and made of a soft silk material. It flowed from the waist down and had small fake jewels embedded in the torso. Apparently all dresses were nice in this time, like seriously, why? Where are a pair of jeans when you need them?
I had a minute until I was supposed to meet Firmin, if Christine hadn't helped me into a dress the other day I would've been here for an hour trying to figure it out. I sighed and left the room, hopefully this wouldn't be as bad as I think it will.
She's gone.
She left.
'Because you drove her away!' I reminded myself.
I raked my fingers down my face, drawing blood. "She wanted to be with me, she helped me, she kissed me." I whispered, silent sobs racking body. "She saw me, and she didn't scream."
I stumbled over to my organ and began pounding on the keys, my blood staining the pure white ivory. The song was filled with rage, sadness, and longing.
Then a realization smacked me in the face: you sent her out alone! She doesn't know her way and could be stuck in a trap!
I composed myself quickly, and ran to the gondola, rowing quickly across the lake.
I went straight to the prima Donna to to see my Amiele talking with one of the damned managers.
Wait, 'my Amiele', when did that come along...?
"Well then, I was wondering if you were busy and wanted to have lunch with me. Today." The pansy asked Amiele hope lacing in his voice.
Amiele was quite hesitant at first,
"Yes, that would be great, but I may have to come back by around two o'clock, we are going shopping again."
My fists clenched at my side, and my teeth clenched. White hot jealousy surged through my body, she is mine! I will not loose her like I'm loosing Christine to that fop!
The pansy smiled and nodded, "of course, I'll leave you to get dressed, ten minutes." And with that he left. It took all my self control to not go out there, rid of the pansy, and take Amiele back with me.
He would not steal her from me.
I won't allow it.
And with that I went back to my lair, a devious plan brewing in my mind.

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