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I rushed back to my room after standing still in shock for five minutes. Ignoring all calls of my name, and I shut the door, locking it behind me and flopping onto my bed. What just happened!
He was supposed to do that to Christine, not me!
I slammed my head into a pillow and
I heard a light fluttering and saw a note float to the ground, I picked it up and saw a single red rose with a black ribbon attached to it.
/Dear Mia Amour Amiele,
All shall be explained in time, please do not worry, I have just realized my mistake. Everything will sort itself out, just be patient and do not come for me. I will see you at the performance of Don Juan.
Sincerely yours eternally,
I felt my face scrunch in confusion, 'I realized my mistake' what is that supposed to mean?
What mistake?
And why did he call me 'Mia amour'? I don't speak French!
"Im so confused!" I shouted into my pillow as I slammed into it once more. Sleep threatened to take me, and this time, I complied with a heavy and open heart.
The performance of "Don Juan Triumphant" was to take place tomorrow, and everything was in chaos.
Firmin was constantly asking if I was alright and if I wanted to go through with this; and honestly it was starting to get on my nerves. I think he was more afraid then I was.
He stopped asking after Raoul announced his ingenious plan: we are to play the phantom's "game" and be ready with armed officers at every exit. We are also to keep box 5 open, quite unlike the movie.

"Are you going to be ok?" Cat asked standing in the doorway to the Prima Donna room which I now occupied again.
"Yea, I think, it's just gonna be really awkward, with Piangi and all." I answered pursing my lips together disappointedly.
She laughed, "no silly, I meant with Erik?"
"What about him?"
"He obviously is going to do something, I mean he did pick you at the masquerade when he wasn't supposed to!" Cat pointed out.
I nodded, "doesn't mean much though, why would he ruin his own opera?"
She didn't answer me and just shrugged, she was hiding something....
I heaved a sigh in exasperation, "I am very concerned about Firmin." I changed the subject, ignoring her suspiciousness.
"What would you be concerned about him for?" She sneered disgust scrunching up her face.
"I don't know, maybe the fact that I don't like him like he likes me! And he wants to kiss me.... Among other things...." I trailed off shuddering at the thought of it.
"Just tell him." She stayed simply leaning back in her chair.
It only made my nerves more active and I leaned forward on the edge of my seat. "It's not that easy Cat."
"Sure it is."
"Not in this time it isn't!" I retorted leaning back in defeat, "why is life so confusing?!"
"That's what makes things interesting." She winked at me and I glared at her.
I just hummed in response, and then a thought slapped me in the face. "Crap! I forgot about rehearsals!"
"You really don't need to go to them, you already know all the songs and movements."
"I know but they still want me there, some thing about my role needing to be there. Me and Reyer had a ten minute argument about it, he is extremely hard headed let me tell you, and he did not give up. So I did."
"You gave up? That's not the Amiele I know." Cat gasped and grabbed her chest dramatically.
I smacked her playfully, "I just don't know what to do anymore." I huffed turning serious again.
"You'll figure it out, you'll know when the time comes what to do." She reassured patting my shoulder. "Now get some rest, Don Juan is tomorrow and you need all the rest you can get."
"Trust me, I know."

A single red roseWhere stories live. Discover now