A Tragic Realization

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Sun leaked through my eyelids and I groaned, just a few more minutes please. 'Wait, you were with Erik in his lair...' My eyes shot open and I looked around the room.
This wasn't the opera house.
The walls were white, and I lay on a bed, a uv in my arm, and weird beeping machines all around me. The room smelled like a hospital, and my head whipped around taking in my surroundings.
This wasn't Erik's lair. Where was it?
No. No. Oh no....
"Good your awake. We were anticipating you to awake today." A man in the doorway with a doctors coat and a large smile plastered on his face said.
"Where am I." I whispered, my voice cracking.
"You are in St.Piere Hospital, we found you unconscious in the old opera Populaire, you have been in a coma for three weeks." The doctor explained, his voice soothing and calming, but I was the complete opposite.
I felt myself start to hyperventilate; IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN JUST A DREAM!
"I-is C-c-cat here?" I managed out in a low squeak, I guarantee my fave was turning a deep shade of cherry red.
"Yes, she's in the other room, she experienced the same thing. I'll let you settle in, you can leave for home tonight, here are your parents." The doctor left and was immediately replaced by my parents.
"Never do that again!" My mom started.
"We were so scared." My dad added.
"You are grounded for a week! You scared us so much..." My mom included tears streaming down her face.
I couldn't answer them, only nod dumbly, my body was numb. It couldn't have been just a dream. I didn't want it to. Everything was so real. The place, the people, the feelings....
What was I supposed to do with my life now? Forget it ever happened? I couldn't . I wouldn't.
We left later that night, I was silent the whole time, how could I live now? Knowing the one I loved was just a dream? A figment of my imagination....
People would think I was crazy, saying I fell in love with him in my sleep, me trying to convince them it was all too real. That me and Cat went back in time, Jordan too actually. I hoped they'd remember, so I wouldn't be alone.
I flopped onto my bed, facing the mirror on my wall. I didn't bother to look at the rest of the room. I didn't care, I never would anymore.
My face was sullen, somehow my skin was paler than usual, and it looked like it was stretched across my face. I looked like a skeleton. My eyes were empty holes, I had dark bags under my eyes even though I had slept for three weeks straight. It looks like everything was already taking a toll on me.
I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes; every time I did though, a picture of him came, and I couldn't help but whimper in pain. My heart was broken.
I clutched my pillow and pulled my soft sheets up over my face. I hope I suffocate.
I cried into my pillow, I was sobbing uncontrollably. My head was throbbing with pain, but it was nothing compared to the pain in my chest.
I sat like that for hours, crying into my pillow. Until sleep threatened to take over, until I succumbed to it.
I kept on chanting the same thing over and over in my head though: it was just a dream, it was just a dream...

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