Past The Point of No Return

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I stood behind the curtain next to the stage, all dressed and pampered to be the character Erik cast me as. My heart was pounding a million-miles-per-hour in my chest, I couldn't tell if it was from anxiousness or nervousness or not the predicted awkwardness. I heard Piangi's play cackle from on the stage that was my cue, I slowly walked onto the stage facing the audience.

"No thoughts within in our head but thoughts of joy,

No dreams within our heart but dreams of love." My voice filled the room, I may not exactly want to sing this next part with Piangi, but if Erik wanted me to, I would.

I slowly crouched to the ground, fiddling with the roses. "Master." One of the side-roles said, oh here it comes.

I listened to hear a familiar voice, and not the one I was expecting.


Go away for the trap, please set, and wait for its prey,

You have come here,

In pursuit of your deepest urge,

In pursuit of that wish which till now,

Has been silent,


I slowly turned my head to look at him, it was Erik. It was Erik! It was Erik...? He held up his finger on the last word, I turned my head back to the audience and as he kept singing I closed my eyes and became hypnotized by his music.

"I have brought you,

That our passions may fuse and merge,

In your mind you've already succumbed to me,

Dropped all defenses completely succumbed to me,

Now you are here with me,

No second thoughts,

You've decided,


I slowly stood up, and looked at him, my eyes taking in his full body hungrily. I couldn't help but lick my lips a bit at the sight of him; I saw his eyes darken with lust at my lips slight movement and couldn't help but think that the feeling was mutual.

"Past, the point of no return,

No backward glances,

Our games of make believe are at an end,

Past the point of 'if' or 'when',

No use resisting,

Abandon thought and let the dream descend." He had started advancing towards me, his long strides filling the gap between us with ease. Our eyes stayed locked the whole time, and I didn't even begin to untangle the clump of emotions swirling in his eyes, I couldn't concentrate with his intense gaze on me on top of him singing. Then began circling me like a predator would its prey.

"What raging FIRE shall flood the soul?" In a quick smooth movement he swept behind me and pulled my back flush against his chest, his arm going diagonally across my chest and his hand sat on the opposite shoulder. His mouth was by my ear and his face in my hair, and I couldn't suppress the shiver that ran though me at our closeness. I heard him take in a deep breath of my scent and then continue on.

"What rich desire shall flood the soul?

What sweet seduction lies before us?" He removed his body from touching mine, and brought both his hands down my arm until he held my hand in both of his. And pulled me over with him gently, after leaving a ghost of a kiss on my hand.

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