A Lie of A Dinner

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"Amiele where were you?! My goodness I was worried sick!" Firmin shouted at me, coming to my side and capturing me in a hug. My body was a void of feeling so I replied my flopping against his chest.
"I was visiting and old friend, and I slept in late." I lied.
"Oh, well, I have a very special day planned for us, first let's let you get on a new change of clothes." He escorted me to my room and left for his office, giving me loads of time to change for our 'special day.'
"Amiele where were you!?" Cat screeched the question at me jumping into my arms.
"It's a long story." Was all I said.
"Well then tell it, I've got all day." She demanded stubbornly jabbing her finger at me.
"Unlike you, I don't have all day, I have a date with Firmin." I countered my lips pressed together and eyebrows raised.
She frowned at his name, "why do you even like him?"
"He's good company when I'm not busy, and why do you care?" I snapped angrily.
"Well, I just know he's not the one for you, and I want to see you happy. Not just living the 'ok' life." She retorted, an equal amount of sass in her tone.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude, just a little touchy today I guess." I mumbled rubbing my face. She nodded and I continued, "will you help me into a dress?"
She nodded reluctantly and helped me put on a mint green dress, it was plain from the waist down but had little flowers and jewels scattered in the torso.
I also wore light makeup and comfortable black flats. "Be safe and make good decisions!" Cat called after me as I walked out the door to where Firmin stood next to a lone horse.
"We will!" I call back to her, Firmin took my hand excitedly and pulled me towards the horse.
"Mademoiselle, meet Honey." Firmin introduced me to the horse and helped me get on her. He climbed on after, his chest flush against my back. It felt awkward.
Hopefully the ride wouldn't even that long.
The horse began in a trot, we rode in silence and I enjoyed every bit of it. Looking out at the beautiful city of Paris as we passed it. The horse came to stop and I realized we had stopped in front of a small restaurant. He climbed off the horse first and I immediately relaxed, he took my hand and led me in the restaurant to the back where a table for two was set.
There was already food on the table, all my favorites too. He knew a way to my heart, temporarily at least, food.
"Oh, Firmin, thank you so much." I whispered happily, my attention on the food.
He kissed me on my cheek, "anything for you Mia Cheri. Now let's eat."
I smiled and sat down, eating a lot of the food in front of me. I didn't eat too much because I did not want to look like a pig, but I did love it. He asked me normal questions, like how my day went, thankfully avoiding why I and disappeared.
I finished eating and took a sip of my water, my attention snapped to Firmin when he called my name. "Amiele."
He stood up from his seat and kneeled down on one knee, pulling out a silver band with a small diamond on it. My breath choked on my throat, this can't be happening...
'Well it is! You should have been expecting it! He has been courting you for three months!'
"Since I first laid eyes on you, and first heard you speak, I knew you were the one for me. I have loved you ever since we first met, would you make me the happiest man alive and
Marry me?" Hope filled his voice and an emotion I knew was not love swirled in his eyes.
Tears were streaming down my face, he probably mistakes them for tears of joy, but they weren't.
My insides were at war; my heart was yelling at me: 'no! You don't love him! Your heart belongs to another!'
But my head was speaking logically, 'the person you love loves another, you must marry him. You will have an easy life, maybe not with love but you cans find happiness, and you will be supported with money and a roof to live under.'
I forced a fake smile on my face and let my breathing steady out. I took in one last deep breath.
I knew what I must do to survive.
I knew love would never find me.
Love just never was in my favor.
Life was never in my favor.
No, happiness was never in my favor.
It was only temporary and a mask for the world to come.
I choked on a single word, a lie.

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