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"You remember all that I told you?" I asked Erik straightening out his suit.
He nodded, my fingers lightly brushed his neck sending electric shocks through my body. I pulled back quickly and looked to see if he felt the same thing. He obviously did because his face shone with confusion.
"Okay, so pop quiz, what is the main goal for tonight?" I questioned him for the twentieth time.
"To get my feelings across, and to et out of the so-called 'friend zone' you say I'm in." He replied smirking, I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of words.
"Correct. And one last piece of advice, if she takes off your mask, try not to go bazurk on her and make her scared of you." I suggested, looking over him. His red and black suit was quite fitting for him, his muscles although faint, were outlined in the suit. My eyes met his and a weird tingling feeling consumed my body, butterflies were swarming in my stomach and I couldn't help but ache to jump in his arms. I shook away the thought, still not able to release my gaze from his. A strong emotion passed through his eyes but left as quickly as it came. I smiled at him and realized just how tall and lanky he was, it fit him. I could see he wasn't muscular looking, more of a lean-slim guy, but I guarantee he was exceptionally strong for his build.
To my surprise, a genuine smile tugged at his lips, it wasn't big but it was enough.
"What about you?" He inquired softly, almost in a whisper.
"What about me?" I answered my tone the same as his, I was confused 'what about me?'
"You are helping me with my love life, what about yours?" He prodded me again, making his question more clear.
I chuckled at his question, "I'm afraid, Erik, my love life is more pathetic than yours. And it will stay that way, I'm not looking for just a man, I want someone to love me unconditionally. Christine really is lucky, she needs to know that." My answer was quiet but clear, my last sentence came out even softer than the rest of my little speech.
His face was shocked again, but he covered it up with small smile. "I shall take you up now." I nodded and walked over to the gondola and sat down, waiting for Erik to join me. He untied the thick ropes and climbed in after me.
He began rowing and we both sat in serene silence. My mind was clouded with thoughts of the earlier events of today: me and Erik being on a one name basis, me actually coming to the phantom's lair, me becoming his acquaintance. 'Dude, you are living all of your dreams!' I was screaming at myself, yet I couldn't bring myself to be happy.
I don't know why, I got to meet the phantom, I am living in his time, everything is all I ever wanted it to be! And yet it isn't.... Something's missing. And I can't seem to tell what.
"Thank you, for everything." Erik said, his melodic voice filling the silence.
"It was my pleasure, I expect we will go over the rest of the plan after your little swaure with Miss Daae?" I asked my voice louder than before, but still below normal voice level.
"Yes." He hummed back at me simply, I climbed out of the gondola after it hit the shore and waited for Erik to come out.
After he tied up the gondola Erik led me out of his maze of a lair and to the door behind the two way mirror for The prima Donna room. I smiled at him, a genuine smile. "Good luck." And I placed a gentle kiss on the regular side of his face. I turned around, not waiting for a reply and stepped through the now open mirror. Shutting it behind me leaving a stunned Erik in the little corridor alone.
I touched my lips, where they had made constant with his skin. They were on fire! It didn't burn, it felt good actually, it was a warm sensational feeling and it lingered.
I smiled at myself and left the room, I had to help make preparations for Cat's wedding.
This girl left me speechless in the dark corridor as she exited. Me! The phantom! Speechless!
I would have reached for her but I was numb as well, void of any ability to control my movements.
She had ceased to amaze me... I sighed I must get prepared for Christine.
My thoughts always drifted back to Amiele though, I touched my face where she kissed me. I remember the familiar shock it gave me when our skin made contact, I shivered at the warm feeling that still sat there. I hoped it would never go away, 'where are such thoughts coming from! Get yourself together Erik! You are Christine's and Christine's alone!' My mind demanded, but I just couldn't come to terms with it.
My heart wouldn't come to terms with it.
'This girl is here to help you get Christine! And you agreed, you must follow through for her and your sake.' The voice pushed, I was still flabbergasted that she had suggested helping me in the first place. How could she say I was beautiful? That I deserved love? How did she know so much?
'It doesn't matter, what matters is shes helping you, and now that fop will never stand a chance.' The voice answered myself, and with a sly smirk on my face I walked down the corridor still feeling a faint ghostly kiss on my cheek.

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