Chapter 1

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 Harry POV:

The floor was just as boring as always: ugly red and white tiles, littered with dust and dirt and broken pencils from the day. I would know. I've spent the better part of the past two years staring at it, my crazy brown curls half obscuring the vision of my bright green eyes. My name is Harry Styles, and I'm a nobody.

Now, I guess that's mostly my fault. I'm extremely shy, and I don't really talk to many people. Kind of what social anxiety does to a person, but you don't want to hear about my issues. Let's just say, one guy a few years back felt like it was his job to make my life a living hell, and now here we are, two years later, and I'm completely alone. Well, that's not true...I have Niall and Liam. They stuck by me through all the crap I went through, and were the only friends I had. It's not so bad. At least I had them, and my mom.

All of this ran through my mind as I made my way down the hallway. School had been over for about 30 minutes now, but I was waiting for Niall and Liam to get out of footie practice. I went slowly to my locker and began to pull books out, getting ready to go out to the pitch and watch. I would do this every afternoon: wait around, then hide behind the bleachers and watch the footie team practice and run drills. I used to be on the team. I was a fairly decent player, actually, but...I had to quit. No reason, none at all. Just...yeah, let's move on.

I was just finishing up when I heard a noise that I rarely ever heard. The sound of a piano. My locker was right near the music hall, so hearing some sort of musical sound was not uncommon, but...whomever was playing was clearly well-trained, which is why it shocked me. Most of the musicians at our school were mediocre at best. But was a beautiful piece. I found myself walking slowly down the hallway, following the sound of the piano. I stopped outside the door to the chorus room and just closed my eyes, listening. The emotion behind the piece was clear, even if I couldn't see the player. I sank down to the floor, settling against the cool cinderblock wall and letting the music carry me away. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place where I may have heard it before. I stayed there for a few minutes, and then with a glance at my watch, decided I had better head out to the pitch. I picked up my bag and hurried down the hallway. But, of course, being my clumsy self, I tripped over the door stop and fell right into two people coming from the opposite direction.

“Whoa there, Haz. Don't hurt yourself.” Liam laughed, steadying me.

“While you're at it, don't hurt us either. The team needs us,” Niall added, clapping me on the shoulder.

“I don't doubt that, Nialler. Why are you guys here...don't you have practice?” I asked, brushing back some of my curls. My hair was getting long, but I was too lazy to get it cut. Besides, it helped me hide...some stuff that I didn't want anyone to see.

“We got out early. Been looking all over for you! Got a new player as well,” Niall said offhandedly, taking a swig from his water bottle. I raised my eyebrows.

“Yeah, Tommo's pretty cool. You'd like him, Haz. We'll introduce you tomorrow, yeah?” I almost protested. If this new Tommo guy was anything like some other members of the team, I wouldn't have enough time to like him...he would just beat the crap out of me like the rest of them. But Niall and Liam didn't know about that, so I just nodded. Not like I had any other choice; they would do it anyway. They were determined to help me make friends. But they didn't understand that nobody liked me.

As they dragged me down the hallway, chatting aimlessly, my thoughts turned to the mystery piano player. Maybe I didn't know who it was, but I knew one thing...I had already fallen in love with the music.  


A/N: Thank you to my friend Zach for the Cover!!!!!!!

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