Chapter 16

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A/N: Well...all i can say for this chapter is...cliffhanger. prepare yourselves. all the love, as always xx


PS: Today marks 5 years since Harry auditioned for the X-Factor.  So freaking proud of him.


Harry POV:

 I woke up the next morning, early, and for a moment, I had no idea where I was. I almost started to panic as I turned my head this way and that, and then relaxed when I recognized the interior of Liam's house. I felt a slight breeze on the back of my neck and shivered. What was...

Holy shit.

It was Louis. Louis was spooning me. Again. I didn't know what to do. If I moved, I might wake him up, and that could get really awkward. I looked for a clock, craning my neck to see the time. It was only 5 AM. That meant I could go back to sleep for an hour. I hesitated for about a second before deciding to try to turn around. My neck needed to bend the other way. I finally managed it, as I was going slowly to not wake Louis, and I snuggled into his chest, falling back asleep.

I was woken up again by a loud thump and a cry of 'FUCK' from upstairs. I jumped and opened my eyes, only to have them met with blue ones. Louis' face was literally right in front of mine. Our foreheads were touching. I gulped down my nerves and tried not to look at his lips.

Don't even think about it, Harry. Don't do it...

“H-hi...” Louis stuttered, his blue eyes half clouded with sleep but wide. His breath fanned over my face and I closed my eyes. Maybe if I didn't look at him, I would have the overwhelming urge to kiss the hell out of him. I decided it would be a good idea to move before I did something stupid, but I completely forgot for a moment that I was on a couch, and promptly fell onto the floor when I rolled over.

I groaned and Louis sat up, looking down at me with a concerned expression. His hair was all over the place, and I blushed as dirty thoughts of sex hair entered my mind. I could not sit here getting turned on by Louis when it was never going to happen. I struggled to my feet, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, and a commotion was heard at the top of the stairs. I stumbled to the stairs and squinted up at Niall and Liam, who were obviously struggling to get down the stairs. Niall was trying to help Liam, but Liam wanted to do it himself and he was refusing to sit down and go on his ass like a normal person. I sighed and climbed the stairs two at a time, lifting Liam into my arms easily, and carrying him down the stairs. I set him down nicely on the floor and Niall followed, grumbling to himself. Louis was watching from the doorway, a strange expression on his face, but I could barely see it because everything was blurry. Blurry...

“Shit...” I mumbled under my breath. I hurried to the bathroom and got my contacts out of my eyes, but it was no good. My vision only worsened without them. I had completely forgotten that I had been wearing them for over a week, and they had finally gone bad. This meant I had to wear my glasses. In front of people. Specifically, in front of Louis. I sighed, biting down on my lip as I exited the bathroom. As if people weren't going to hate me enough. And that's when I realized. Everything had gone down yesterday at school. And I had to go to school today, which meant that everyone, even those that hadn't witnessed the events, would know. And they would all be talking about it.

“Hey, Harry, are you almost...are you crying? What's wrong?” I felt small arms wrap around me and I sank into Louis' embrace, biting down harder on my lip to keep from crying.

“I...I have to go back today...Lou, they are all gonna hate me e-even more...” I stuttered, pulling away from him and wiping my eyes furiously. I was not going to be some sort of wimp. I had cried enough. I needed to be strong. Louis shook his head and put his hand on my cheek, cupping it.

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