Chapter 31

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A/N: Heyyyy guys. this chapter is short, but it's really really cute and I didn't think it needed any more added to it. BTW ROWYSO starts in like a day and i'm super excited!!!! anyone else? all the love, as always xx


PS: Harry's outfit up top


Louis POV:

I woke up the next morning snuggled into someone's chest. I didn't bother opening my eyes, but instead shifted a little and drew in a deep breath through my nose. Yep, it was Harry. He always smelled like strawberries. I tightened my arms around him and tucked my head into his neck. He shifted with a small groan and his arm draped over my waist casually. Waking up like this was something I could get used to. It wasn't rough or sexy or anything like that... it was just nice.

"Morning, Lou," Harry rumbled in his deep morning voice, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I kissed his neck lightly and forced my eyes open a little, just so I could look at my beautiful boyfriend.

"Good morning, Hazza." I replied, taking in his adorable fluffy curls and his half-open green eyes. They were staring at me, and I saw nothing but love in them. I eagerly pressed a small kiss to his lips and hugged him, feeling his warmth radiating off him. He lay still for a moment, drawing circles on my back, and then he gasped, sitting straight up and knocking me completely off the bed.

I picked myself up off the floor with a groan and sat back down on the bed, looking confused at Harry. His eyes were wide and he was breathing through his nose His expression was one of absolute terror.

"Hazza...what's wrong? You OK, love?" I asked, placing a hand on his arm.

"I...I have to m-meet your family today..." He mumbled, and I let out a laugh.

"Damn it, Haz, I thought I did something wrong or you were about to have an attack or something. Love, meeting my family is going to be fine. They love you already, and they barely know you."

"You can't know that, Lou," Harry said in his now quiet voice, looking at me and gripping my hand. I shook my head, pecking his cheek.

"I could bring a lamppost home as a date and they would approve. They just want me to be happy. And I'm happy with you."

Harry blushed a nice shade of scarlet and looked down bashfully, a small smile lighting up his face.

"I'm happy with you too...but I'm still nervous." He admitted, biting his lip. I sighed. What could I do that would make him less nervous? Maybe even laugh a little? I missed his laugh so much, I hadn't heard it since before that night. I looked at him, and then an idea popped into my head. I reached out my hand and poked his side carefully. He jumped and squirmed away. Perfect. I proceeded to jump on top of him and tickle the crap out of him. He gasped as he fell backwards, and then started giggling like a little girl.

"L-lou, stop it..." He gasped out, but I wasn't stopping. He looked so amazing, with his curls spilling over the pillow and his eyes squeezed shut. His dimples were out as he laughed, and I couldn't stop looking at him.

I stopped tickling him and dove down, kissing him hard on the mouth. He immediately gripped the back of my head and pulled me down closer, keeping our lips pressed together. A small whimper left me and I kept kissing him until I heard someone clearing their throat. I jumped about a foot and rolled off of Harry, just to see Anne in the doorway, looking amused.

"Harry, I suggest you and Louis get out of bed and get dressed. We are due to be at the Tomlinsons' in an hour." Harry nodded, blushing a little and biting on his swollen lip. Anne turned to leave, but then turned back to me and said with a smirk,

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