Chapter 34

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A/N: I really hope you guys are still reading, i know this is getting long but a lot of things still need to happen, and i hope i'm not boring you. Please tell me if i am. this chapter explains a lot...comment your ideas on what's going to happen? all the love, as always xx


PS: ROWYSO Started yesterday and THE NEW SONG IS AMAZING!!! if you haven't heard it yet, it's called Permanent Vacation and it's so pop punk and i'm in love. also...harry and louis have surprises for James Corden? Am i the only one that is very curious about this?


Louis POV:

I didn't leave my room all weekend. I didn't eat, I didn't drink, I didn't get a shower, I didn't do much of anything. Every time I tried to get up and be productive, my heart would hurt and I would just sink back down onto my bed, into a chair, or onto the floor, whichever was most convenient, and cry. I missed him so much, but I wasn't going to get him back, not after what I said.

Several times, my mum came in and offered me food or drink, but I just shook my head no. My sisters tried to cheer me up with drawings and stories about school, but nothing could fix the giant hole in my chest.

My mum did make me go to the doctor for my hand. Turns out that punching lockers actually does break bones. I had two broken fingers and a sprained wrist. The doctor put a cast on it, saying it would have to be on for at least the next few weeks, but luckily it didn't stop me from playing footie. If it had, I would have just given up entirely. Footie was all I had left now.

Monday rolled around and my mum had to force me out of bed. I'm not kidding, she physically dragged me out of bed and threw clothes at me, pushing me towards the shower. I let her do it, because I was too weak to protest. I had cried so much that weekend that my eyes were permanently swollen and red, and my throat burned when I swallowed or took a breath. I was a mess, and I only had myself to blame.

I didn't bother taking the car, even though my mom offered it to me. I just waved goodbye to the girls and left, walking the whole way. I knew I looked like shit. I hadn't bothered to do anything with my hair, and I was wearing ripped jeans and a black shirt. I just really didn't feel like trying. I got to school and immediately saw Liam and Niall walking in with Harry. My heart pounded uncomfortably, and then I caught sight of Harry's face as he turned slightly. He looked as bad as I felt, with bloodshot swollen eyes. They weren't even sparkling like they usually did. They looked dead and empty behind the dark frames of his glasses. His curls were disheveled and all over his face, which I may have found cute, but I knew it was because he hadn't bothered to fix it. He was trying to hide. His clothes looked wrinkled and he was wearing a baggy sweatshirt.

Niall turned and caught my eye, and nudged Liam. I put my head down and hurried into school. I didn't need them attacking me for hurting Harry, which was exactly what they probably were going to do. I hurried to my locker, hoping that they wouldn't be able to catch up with me. I grabbed my stuff and ran for the music wing, but of course I had to run right into someone coming the other way. And that someone just had to be Harry.

I stumbled back, clutching my things to my chest. Harry wasn't moving. He was just frozen in the middle of the hallway, staring at me. I saw tears building in his eyes, and I felt my own throat closing up. I just put my head down and ran, letting a few tears roll down my face. I had seen the pain in his eyes. He hated me. And I fucking deserved it.

I yanked the door to the music room open and hurried inside, wiping my eyes quickly so that none of my classmates or the teacher would notice. I took a seat in the back and pulled out my song. Maybe with all the pain I was in, I could write really good lyrics. I pulled out my notebook and a pencil and began to write, and I didn't stop until the bell rang.

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