Chapter 28

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A/N: This is probably the chapter a lot of you have been waiting for, so here you are! Hope you guys are enjoying this so far. All the love, as always xx


PS: If you want some really smutty stuff, go check out my collaboration with @LHShip, titled Filthy. It is on her page.


Harry POV:

After Louis left, I stayed in my room. I refused to eat and only drank small amounts of water from the tap. I couldn't face my mum. I was so afraid of her asking me about it again, and I was not ready to talk about it, especially not without Louis. If I ended up telling anyone, it would be him.

I had bad dreams as usual, and they were so persistent that I eventually gave up on sleep and just sat staring at the wall all night, tears rolling down my cheeks as I hugged myself, trying to ward off the memories. 

I did actually finally fall asleep of sheer exhaustion, but I was woken five minutes later by my mum, saying that we were late and I needed to get up. My heart stopped at her words. We were late. I could not afford to be late to school, not again.

I pulled on the jeans I wore yesterday and a random white t-shirt and a sweatshirt. I didn't even bother eating breakfast, rushing out the door to meet my mum in the car. Normally I would just walk to school, but I was too afraid to right now, and my mum understood that.

We pulled up to school as the bell was ringing for class. I jumped out of the car, not saying a word, and raced into school. I fumbled the lock on my locker several times before wrenching it open and throwing my things in it haphazardly. I looked down at my watch and sighed. My teacher didn't take attendance for the first ten minutes, and they didn't show up until after that. I was in the clear if I went fast.

But apparently, luck was not in my favor today. I heard voices from around the corner and my whole body froze where I stood. The last time I had heard that voice...

I closed my locker door very quietly and started heading for the music hallway. If I hid out in there until they were gone, I could just say that I woke up late, and it would only be a half absence.

"Don't even think about it, Styles." A voice rumbled from behind me, and I shuddered. I dropped my books right there and started running for it. I tried to yell for help, but of course, my voice wouldn't work. I felt large hands on my shoulders and I desperately tried to tear myself away, but it was no use. There were four of them and one of me.

"I thought you'd want to thank me for our little escapade. Maybe be up for round two..." Nick whispered in my ear, nibbling on it lightly. My voice was gone, nonexistent. All I could do was try to escape. Louis had class in this hallway for the first part of the day. If I could make some sort of noise, maybe he would hear it. With that, I slammed myself back into Nick, who had his hand on my neck, and slammed him into the lockers, making the loudest noise I could. He grunted with pain and released me, and I tried running yet again. His friends were on me in seconds, holding my arms behind my back and covering my mouth, so I couldn't scream. Like I could make any noise anyway. They forced me to look up, and I saw Nick's face clearly for the first time since that night. He looked downright murderous, and I had never been more scared in my life. He raised his hand and I flinched horribly as he smacked me across the face. I knew that would leave a mark.

"Why won't you talk to me, Styles?" He asked, bearing his teeth in a grimace. I just shook my head, trying to hold in my tears. If I cried in front of him, he would do something much worse than hit me, of that I was quite certain.

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