Chapter 4

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A/N: Ok, guys, so i've decided to do some switching in the POV.  It's going to be useful later in the story.  So this story is kind of written by both Harry and Louis, in a sense.  just thought I would give you a heads up.  I'm also sorry for all of the Zayn in the story.  I know that a lot of us are still upset, or angry, or whatever you are, but he is important to the plot, which you will see later.  Anyway, enjoy :) 

All the love, as always xx



Harry POV:

Niall, Liam, and I did homework for the next few hours. Well, they did homework, while I checked Twitter and Facebook. It's not like they wanted to, but they had to get it done, seeing as they had a scrimmage. They talked a little as they worked, discussing tactics for the game and who would be starting this season. I listened in, not really saying much. Hearing about the team now that I wasn't on it really bothered me. But of course, they didn't know that, and I wasn't going to stop them from enjoying their conversation.

When the clock hit six, Niall and Liam packed up their books and pulled out their uniforms, and my normally neat room turned into a mess of discarded clothes and smelly footie equiptment. I didn't mind though...that's how it used to be, and I felt a bit nostalgic at the thought of how it was...all three of us dominating the field, each of us covering an essential part of the team. I realized I was getting sentimental and shook my head to clear it. I grabbed a warm jumper and slipped it on over my t-shirt, and then pulled my grey beanie down over my curls. As I did this, I started humming again, not really knowing what I was doing until Liam looked up at me with a curious expression on his face.

“Haz, what's that you're humming?”

“Huh? Oh, umm...” I thought about it for a second, trying to recall where I had heard it before. “I, umm...well, the past two days, I’ve heard someone playing the piano in the music hallway.”

“Not an odd thing to hear in a music hallway, though,” Niall replied jokingly, struggling to find the head hole in his jersey. I shook my head.

“No, it's different. Whomever it is...they play with such passion, and the song is so beautiful, I don't even think I can explain the feeling I get when I hear it.” Niall snickered.

“If I didn't know better, I'd say you were in love...”

“No one can fall in love with a person by hearing them play an instrument...that's not how it works, Ni.” Liam stated, pulling on his cleats. Such a smart one, Liam.

“Well, that's how I fell in love with Harry. I heard him sing once and I was so far gone..” Niall noted with a cheesy expression, putting a hand to his heart and giving me heart eyes. I shoved him and he fell over into his own bag.

“Oh, shit, that is rank!” Niall coughed, rolling away from his footie bag as fast as he could. Liam and I both laughed as he stood up, shuddering and kicking at his bag.

“BOYS! We're gonna be late if you don't stop messing around!” Called a voice from downstairs, and we all stopped laughing at once. No one messed with my mom when we were on a schedule. Liam and Niall shoved all of their clothes and other things into their bags and hoisted them onto their shoulders as my mom appeared in the doorway.

“Come on, you three, we haven't got all day.” She scoffed, seeing our hidden smiles and flushed cheeks from hiding our laughter.

“Whatever you say, Mrs. Cox!” Niall chirped cheerily, and he paraded out of the room. Liam and I shot a look at each other before following him down the stairs and out to the car. Niall could be such an idiot sometimes. But he was our little leprechaun, and we didn't want him any other way.

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