Chapter 24

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A/N: This is a really short chapter compared to some of the others, but I didn't want it to drag on and on. Hope you like it. All the love, as always xx



 Louis POV:

I got about two minutes from my house when the rain started. It was thick and heavy rain, and I could barely see where I was driving. I squinted at the road, still driving pretty fast, and all of a sudden, the car jolted and I flew forward into the steering wheel. I was dazed, not quite sure what had happened. My chest hurt a bit and I could taste blood in my mouth, but I didn't seem to be very hurt. I opened the car door and got out, inspecting my car. I groaned when I saw smoke coming out from under the hood. Of course, of all the times possible, my car had to break down right now.

"Fuck it," I mumbled to myself, and I shoved the gear into neutral, trying to push my car off the road. But I wasn't strong enough to do it by myself and I kept slipping on the wet road.

There was a sudden honking of a horn, and a car pulled up next to me. They rolled down the window and I almost cried with relief when I saw Niall and Liam inside.

"Oi, Tommo, you need some help?"

"What does it look like, lads?" I yelled back sarcastically. I noticed that they were both dressed rather nicely. They must have gone on a date or something. But they didn't hesitate as they pulled off to the side of the road, parked the car with the blinkers on, and got out, not even bothering to get umbrellas.

"Li, go over to the side of the road and direct us. I'll help Lou with the car." Niall called, and Liam hobbled over to the side of the road. Niall opened the other door and got ready, and on the count of three, we started pushing the car towards Liam. It was still a lot of work, but after a good five minutes, we managed it, panting and soaked to the skin.

"What the hell are you doing out in this, Tommo? I thought you had to watch the girls." Liam yelled as Niall and I walked over to him.

"I was...but I just..." I began, but Niall cut me off.

"Don't make up excuses, please. Just tell me you were going to see Harry, and maybe I'll forgive you. He misses you like crazy. The look on his face when we come through his door and you aren't with us breaks my heart. He needs you, Lou."

I waved him off, trying to figure out how to tell him what was going on.

"Look, I...yes, I'm going to Harry's. And I really have been busy, it's not that I was ignoring him or anything. How could I? But...yeah, and then Daisy showed me the note and I just...I have to get there, now."

"Whoa, whoa, OK. Hold up...what note, mate?" Niall asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Are we seriously going to have this conversation in the rain?" Neither of them moved, so I sighed. "OK, my little sister told me to tell Harry that she hoped he was better. So I did, and he wrote her a note back. Apparently, that note was actually for me, so my sisters found out and they showed me, and he...he says he likes me. And that he's sorry. And he probably thinks I read it and now I'm ignoring him and I can't let this happen. I can't lose him." I rushed through all of that in one breath and they just stared at me.

"Well...alright then. Umm, we can give you a lift, if you..." Liam began, but I shook my head.

"I'll get there faster if I run. You guys finish your date. I'll see you on Monday, yeah?" They nodded slowly, heading back towards Liam's car, and I dashed off in the other direction, towards Harry's house.

Harry POV:

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