Chapter 20

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A/N: This is a double update, so make sure you read this chapter and the next one. I have exams coming in a few weeks so I'm not sure how often I will be able to update. Hope you all are enjoying. All the love, as always xx


PS: Am i the only one who wants Harry at Louis' match?


Louis POV:

At school, I just felt awkward. Everyone looked at us funny when we walked in, due to the fact that Niall was still in his footie uniform and I was in clothes three sizes too big. Whispers went around. Most people knew that Harry was usually with us, and they were all wondering where he was. It was a drastic change from when I first arrived here, when everyone was talking negatively about Harry and not caring if he heard or not. I was skeptical of everyone though, and kept my gaze shifting from one person to the next. Any one of these people could have done this to Harry and I didn't know which one. Niall and Liam seemed to be thinking along the same lines, as their heads kept darting around, scoping everyone out. I noticed that Niall didn't have his arm around Liam anymore, and they were casually keeping distance between them as they walked. I guess they hadn't talked about coming out yet.

I reached my locker and gathered all of my books for the morning, waving goodbye to Niall and Liam, whose lockers were down the next hallway. I sighed, looking at myself in the window as I closed my locker. My eyes had bags under them, my hair was a mess, and I looked like a child in Harry's clothes.

"Looking a little rough this morning, Tomlinson." said a voice behind me, and I jumped about a foot before seeing that it was Coach.

"Umm...yeah, it was a long night...wait, what are you doing up here?" I asked, confused. Coach scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, I just wanted to know if you had any luck in finding Styles. I know you and Horan went looking for him last night after the game."

I swallowed hard, remembering in vivid detail the moment I had found Harry.

"He...he..." I stuttered out, trying to find the right words. Coach gripped my arm and made me look at him, and for the first time in my life, I saw fear in his eyes.

"What happened to him, Louis?" he inquired, and I flinched. He never used first names unless it was very serious business.

"I...I found him...behind the dumpster...he...he got..." I tried, I really did try to say it, but I couldn't force myself. Coach's face went slack as he realized what I was trying to get at, and he let me go, looking horrified. I held back the new tears that threatened to spill over and said, in a choked voice, "Niall and him home. No sign of the people who left him there...but he's...he won't talk, he barely lets anyone near him, with the exception of me, and even that is limited. I don't even know if he can walk. I...I'm sorry..."

Coach just looked at me, not knowing quite what to say, and I bit down on my lip, keeping my tears at bay. He ran a hand through his buzzed hair and said finally,

"Well...thank you for informing me...I suppose we will have to find a new forward now...just make sure he gets better. He didn't deserve this, and I know that you can make him better. He's quite fond of you, you know." I mentally face-palmed. Coach had known too? Why the hell was I the oblivious one here? Coach gave me a small smile before departing, and I hurried to music as the bell rang, signaling the start of what was going to be a very long day.

It was lunch, and I was running in the opposite direction from the cafeteria. I did not want to go in there. Everyone, and I mean everyone, kept asking me where Harry was. And I had to keep lying and tell them that he was just sick, and needed a day off. I couldn't take it. Every time someone mentioned his name, my heart would clench and I would have to hold back tears. I didn't want to be around people. I burst through the door to the choral room, not even caring if someone heard or saw me. I sat with my back against the door and broke down, sobbing into my knees. There wasn't a single other person in the room, and I was sure that I was having a real panic attack right now. I didn't know what to do, so I just let myself cry, thinking of Harry smiling and us playing footie together, and all the good memories I could think of. It took a while, but eventually my breathing got steadier and my tears stopped.

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