Chapter 26

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A/N: I reached 1K today YAY!!! i also got DMS to Harry and Louis, so today has been amazing! I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. Things are getting better, and there is much more Larry to come. Comment your questions. All the love, as always xx



Louis POV:

 It seemed to take the nurse ages to answer, but it was probably only a few seconds.

"Mr. Styles is going to be just fine. His head injury is nothing to be concerned about, just a small bump and minimal blood. He had a severe asthma attack, but he's been stabilized and given a new inhaler for permanent use. I'll take you back to him, shall I?" I nodded mutely and followed her down a long hallway. She looked over at me and smiled.

"I'm going to assume that you are Louis?" I nodded again, confused as to how she knew my name. She chuckled at my expression. "He hasn't stopped asking for you. Well, more like mouthing your name. He hasn't spoken a word since we got him stable." My heart sank at hearing those words. Was Harry mute again? After all we had gone through to get him to speak one word, and it was all going to be for nothing?

That doesn't matter. What matters is that he's going to be OK.

The nurse stopped in front of Room 28 and knocked softly, pushing down on the handle. I walked in behind her and saw Harry laying in a hospital bed, looking pale and sad. Anne was there, holding his hand and speaking softly to him, but he didn't seem to be hearing her. His eyes were fixed on me.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone, shall I?" Anne said, standing up and pressing a kiss to Harry's temple. She walked past me and put a hand on my arm to comfort me. I nodded in thanks, and she exited, talking quietly with the nurse. The door closed behind them and I walked slowly over to Harry's bedside, taking a seat in the uncomfortable chair.

"Hey, Hazza..." I whispered, taking his hand in mine and pressing my lips to it. I looked up and saw that his bottom lip was trembling, and tears were building in his eyes. "Oh...Harry, no, don't cry..." I stood up immediately and, not knowing if it was even allowed, I crawled into the bed with Harry, being careful of his wires and things, and pulled him to my chest. He started sobbing uncontrollably into my shoulder, and I just held him there, finally letting out my own emotions. We both just sat there and cried with each other until we got it all out. I wiped my eyes frantically and cupped Harry's cheeks, gently swiping away his tears with my thumbs.

"What happened?" I asked, because it was all I could think of to say. He opened his mouth to respond, but he couldn't force the words out. His eyes welled with tears of frustration again, and I quickly hugged him, pressing my lips to his cheek. "Shhh, it's OK. Don't try to talk if you can't. Just let it happen."

He gulped, trying to contain himself, and spoke in barely more than a whisper. "I thought you were him...And I just...I couldn't do it...Lou, I'm so sorry..." He dissolved into tears again, and I held him close.

"Don't be sorry, Haz. It's alright. You know, scared the shit out of me, that's all. But you're going to be OK."

He shook his head against my chest, sniffing as he looked up at me.

"They gave m-me a full time inhaler now...I c-can't play footie with a-asthma."

"Of course you can! You'll just have to take more breaks than usual. It's going to be fine, love, I'm sure that Coach will figure out a way to let you play." I offered soothingly, running my fingers through his hair to calm him. He lay back, shivering, into my arms, and I gently kissed his forehead.

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