Chapter 33

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A/N: I am really sorry guys :( the last chapter has been planned since the beginning of the fic, and it seems like I'm losing readers over it. But please keep reading, it's going to get better, I promise. All the love, as always xx


PS: LARRY IS IN LA I REPEAT LARRY IS IN LA (officially, but we all knew Louis was already there of course)


Louis POV:

I watched him go, still boiling angry at him. I didn't know where all my anger was coming from, but it was strong and I couldn't think of anything else to say. As soon as Harry was around the corner, however, I came to the realization of what I had done. With that, I swung around and punched a locker. I was numb to the pain and I just kept punching it until my knuckles were bleeding all over the place. I sank to the floor, the pain finally reaching me. But it wasn't the pain in my hand. It was the pain in my chest. I had just lost the only good thing to come into my life since my parents got divorced. I had said horrible things to him. I knew Harry was sensitive, especially about Nick. Why the fuck would I even say that to him? I loved him, more than I had ever loved anyone in the entire world. He had just been concerned with my well-being, and I had torn him apart. I took in short breaths, trying to hold back my tears. I was not going to cry. This was all my fault, and I didn't deserve to cry about it. The bell rang and I could hear doors opening in every hallway. I stood shakily, hiding my hand in my sweatshirt, and headed off to the nurse. I was pretty sure I had broken several bones in my hand, but that was beside the point. It didn't measure up to the pain I felt at losing Harry.

"Hey...shit, Tommo, what happened to your hand?" Niall asked as we did our warm-ups during practice that afternoon. I looked down at my hand, seeing how thick it looked wrapped up in gauze.

"I...uh, punched a locker?" I said, trying to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal, but I could feel my throat closing up already at the mere thought. Niall and Liam both looked at me strangely but didn't ask any more questions. At least, not until we were in the huddle, and Coach just had to notice that Harry was missing.

"Hey, where's Styles?"

Everyone looked around, suddenly realizing that he wasn't there. My mind flashed back to that night, and I shuddered at the thought. Liam placed a hand on my arm to steady me, and Coach's eyes landed on me.

"Tomlinson...have you seen Styles?"

"N-not since lunch, Coach." I mumbled, which was the truth. It was just a very small sliver of the truth. Coach just shrugged and went back to the team, not having the time to worry about one missing player when the Championships were coming up. As the team dispersed to do drills, Niall and Liam pulled me aside.

"Where's Harry? You didn't tell Coach everything, and we know it." Niall said, his voice very serious. I gulped. I couldn't say it to them. If I did, it would make it all the more real, and I would not be able to handle myself.

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