Chapter 27

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A/N: Hey, guys, sorry it took a bit longer for me to get this up. I'm in my last week of school, and then exams, so wish me luck :) Anyway, umm, we are getting closer and closer to the end with every chapter, and that makes me kinda sad, maybe that's why I'm not posting as fast, who knows? Well, I hope you enjoy, this one is kinda long. All the love, as always xx


PS: I am really excited for Liam's good news tomorrow, anyone else?


Harry POV:

 "Harry, baby, it's going to be just fine. You can do this!" My mum encouraged for the sixth time. We had pulled up in front of school rather early. I guess she knew that it would be hard to get me out of the car. I had been fine until I saw school in the distance, and then I was frozen in my seat. I couldn't move. I was absolutely terrified of being around more than four people, and knowing that I would more than likely see him at some point during the day. I didn't want to have another panic attack, because now it triggered my asthma, and I didn't want to use my inhaler either. That would be just one more thing for him to make fun of me for.

"Mum...I...I c-can't..." I mumbled. I could see the crowds of students entering from the parking lot and my throat tightened up, so that I was sucking in short breaths. My mum reached down to my pocket, pulled out my inhaler, and pressed it into my hand. I took a quick hit and felt myself relax.

A sudden knock on the window made me jump so much that I hit my head on the roof of the car. But a glance just showed me the three eager faces of Louis, Liam, and Niall. I pressed my lips together and took one last look over at my mum. She smiled encouragingly at me, and I nodded. I had to do this. I could do this. I opened the car door and stepped out into the sunny weather. It was the first really nice day that we'd had, and it somehow made me more at ease. I closed the door, wincing slightly at the sound. It sounded almost final in a way.

"Hey, Haz! So good to have you's been lonely around here without your pretty face," Niall said cheerfully, giving me a one armed squeeze. I noticed that his hand, however discretely hidden, was tangled with Liam's, and I blushed. Louis and I hadn't discussed much about coming out or anything like that, so I wasn't sure what to do when he stepped towards me.

"H-hi, Lou..." I stuttered, and he smiled up at me. He glanced around quickly, and then stood on his tiptoes and pecked my cheek.

"Morning, Hazza," He said with a huge smile, and I couldn't stop a half smile from forming on my face. He was so perky in the mornings, it was adorable.

"Well, we had better get going, the bell is gonna ring soon." Liam said, looking at his watch. Niall sighed and removed his hand from Liam's, and they all started walking into school. Louis looked back to see me standing there, biting my lip. I couldn't do this...if I saw him...god...fuck... Louis started walking back towards me, and Liam and Niall stopped just short of the steps to the doors.

"Come on, Haz. It's going to be OK." Louis said softly, fiddling with my fingers in between our bodies so no one could see. I took a deep breath, and followed the three of them into school.

I made it through the entire day. Louis, Liam, and Niall looked slightly surprised to see me at my locker at the end of the day. I was surprised with myself. I hadn't panicked, I didn't need my inhaler at any point, and I had managed to avoid him all day. But now was the true test. Footie practice.

There was no way of avoiding him this time, and I only hoped that I didn't end up back in the hospital. No one was in the hallway by the time Louis convinced me to go with him. Niall and Liam were already down there, talking to Coach and telling him that I was back.

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