Chapter 1

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"Omg can you believe it" Sarah squealed as she raced up to me and my so called 'boyfriend' Hinder.

"Believe what" Hinder put down the book he was reading. We were sitting at my usual bench. Well now it's our usual bench.

"You" she takes a breath ", Cutest" another breath ",Couple." She sat down on the bench to catch her breath. I finally close my note book and put it in my tan messenger bag.

"What about us and cutest couple" I ask as I close my bag up. Hinder grabs my hand gaining my attention. I look up to see his care free smile. I knew it was pure and true, but it seems like years since I've seen him like this.

"You guys are up" she takes in a big gasp of air as we watch her ", for cutest couple." She let's out finally catching her breath. I look back at Hinder who has a devilishly smirk. Making me roll my eye's and shake my head at him.

"Sweet, we obviously will win because we are super cute" Hinder kisses my cheek. "Can I come over tonight" he asks in my ear.

"I know right, so I've been campaigning for you too" Sarah says happily as she stands up. "All I need is a picture of you kissing passionately" she looked at us and I notice her phone in her hand. Of course. I sigh inwardly.

"Of course " I say in a fake chipper and happy tone. I face my 'boyfriend' and I look at his lips as I wet mine with my tongue. You do this everyday, but now it has to look convincing.

Hinder moves in close and kisses me deeply as I kiss back actually wanting for him to not stop. He has never kissed me like this before, it's kind of...

"Okay I got it" Sarah's voice took me out of my trance and I push Hinder off. What was I thinking? I scold myself for ever thinking like that about Hinder.

"Okay, so what now" Hinder asks, sounding normal. Jerk just did it for fun. I sigh as I grab the book he was reading. It was 'The Testament' by John Grisham. Why is he reading this book? I look at him suspiciously.

"I'm going to print them and put them over school" Sarah giggled before running off. Hinder takes the book from me making me look up at him with my head tilted in a curious manner.

"It seemed interesting and can I" he asks. I feel confused till I remember about him asking to come over.

"If you are in trouble yes" I sigh and cross my arms. The bell rang and lunch was over. But I started to think about how all this started.

How did the boy I was supposed to kill end up as my boyfriend? And the popular girl who hated me is my best friend? And me who was the undatable girl from middle school is now up for cutest couple? Well it was at least a year ago just right after winter break. It was the start of the second semester when I got an assignment.

My next target was a male, age 17, with black hair and hazel eye's. The name the used was Hinder Mack and he worked for the 'Company'.

There are at least 4 to 5 spy associations. 'Company', 'Corporation', 'Center' and the one I work for 'Organization'. They all are competitive for information to sell and buy. It's basically a business of trading secrets. I am more pf a ground control with the black and underground markets. I'm basically a hitman, and well now I have to take out the competition even if they seem super cute.

I sighed as I start to pack for school. I put in my note book and other school supplies for the day. I look at my pocket knife and ponder if I should take it. Better safe then sorry. I stuff it in with the rest as I roll my eye's at myself.

I wear some jeans, a shirt and a arm green jacket that looks like a rain coat. I put my black wore out converse's that match my blacl shirt. I should my bag and head out.

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