Chapter 14

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"Long time no see, happy birthday kiddo." Phoenix smirked down on me. I still can't believe he's back, but why?

"Who is it?" Hinder calls as I hear foot steps approach. Oh no, what do I do now?

"Who is that?" Phoenix asks looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Phoenix?" Hinder stood staring at my old partner at the door. Wait je knows Phoenix, how?

"Hinder?" Phoenix says in shock. What the hell is going on?

"I thought you were dead, where have you been all these years?" Hinder walks up to him with a smile.

"I've been in hiding little bro." Phoenix smiles at him. What did he just say?

"What's going on?" I ask confused.

"Oh, well Rebel this is my older brother Phoenix Marks." Hinder tells me with a smile. No, no, no this is not happening. This can't be happening.

"What?" I squeak as I look between the brothers. My trainer can't be my fiance's brother. This is not happening.

"Are you okay babe?" Hinder asks concerned.

"Babe?" Phoenix asks confused.

"Yes this is my fiance Rebel Conners." Hinder says with joy. God I love him so much but his brother isn't going to be happy about this.

"Well congratulations little bro, never thought you would find the perfect woman for you." Phoenix smiles at him. Oh god he's mad. Phoenix looks at me with anger in his eyes.

"It was nice to meet you but we have to go." I try to shut the door on him but he pushes it back open.

"What's the rush I would like to get to know you better if we are going to be family." Phoenix stares at me as if I betrayed him. I told him that I loved him the day I thought he died and he said it back. But once I feel for Hinder I knew it wasn't true.

"Phoenix this is not the time." I tell him and Hinder looks at us confused.

"What's going on?" Hinder asks. He's here for me not you babe.

"The fact that you stole my love brother." Phoenix looks at Hinder with anger. "She was the only person I've ever trusted with my heart and you just took her from me." He growls at his brother. Oh no, don't hurt Hinder.

"What? Rebel you and my brother were together?" Hinder asks confused.

"No he was my trainer that I was in love with." I tell him and he realizes what is going on. "Phoenix you died and I was alone. Hinder made me feel love again and I can't imagine my life without him." I plead with Phoenix. Please don't hurt him .

"Well I guess you will just have to get used to it." Phoenix glares at me. Hinder run my love, run. "I've killed for you, I've protected you and I've died for you and you repay me with falling in love with my brother?" Phoenix growls angrily. Oh god please Hinder leave.

"I'm sorry that you were dead and I was left alone. So what if Hinders your brother, because he's my fiance. Now get out of my house now!" I yell at Phoenix. I must protect Hinder at all costs.

"So is that how its going to be? Fine, but I will make you mine once again even if I have to kill my brother." Phoenix hands me a small box and walks out. I close the door behind him breathing hard. Hinder holds me in his arms as I cry in his chest.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." I cry as he just holds me. This is all my fault I should have known better than to fall in love.

"Shush babe it's not your fault. My brother has always been possessive just like our father. I won't let him hurt you or anyone you love. Babe I love you and will protect you." Hinder says sweetly not even letting on the face that he's so pissed. Hinder I love you too and will protect you with my life.

"Thank you my love. I shall do the same, we are a couple right." I smile at him happily. He stares at me lovingly wiping away all my tears with a gentle brush of his knuckles. He's so kind and loving I wonder sometimes why he loves me so much, but then I remember that I love him and would do anything to protect him. And I will my love, I will protect you from Phoenix.

"No need to thank me. And you are right we are a couple, the cutest couple." He smirks at me and I giggle. What would I be without him, well I at least know I wouldn't be in the year book for cutest couple and I wouldn't have ever fallen in love. I wouldn't have been me. Without Hinder I am not me.

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