Chapter 5

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The next morning I wake up with a big smile on my face. How could I feel as great as this after that sleep.

"Morning beautiful" my eye's open to see Hinder standing over me. What does he want? I know what I want, god what am I thinking.

"Morning Hinder, you know that's creepy right" I tell him as I sit up. I now stare him right in the face as he leans in closer. His lips so close to mine, with my heart beating so face.

"I do" he lips don't touch mine. I feel hotter as if I'm burning up. "Now wake up" he whispers.

My eye's open and I am facing my window with a sigh. That really sucked, but I still feel warm. I turn over to realize that Hinder is holding me in his arms. He seems so peaceful and beautiful. Why am I feeling this way? I already know the answer, but the question still remains.

"Morning beautiful, you shouldn't stare" he opens his eye's with a smile. I can't wven be mad that he didn't listen to me, but how can I be mad with him? I smile at my thoughts. "What is it beautiful" he asks looking at me.

"Nothing" I smile removing hair out of his eye's. I have only loved one man in my life, but now I think I might just love another.

"Come on partner tell me what is going on in that pretty little head of yours" he says putting a stray hair behind my ear. My cheeks heat up, but I try and act like I'm not affected.

"Come on, get up I'll make breakfast" I sit up and stretch my arms out before rolling over Hinder to land on my feet.

"Are you making waffles" he rubbed his eye's in a cute sleepy way. God damn that was adorable.

"Yes, how many do you want" I ask putting my hands on my hips. I can't believe that I am actually being a waitress for him.

"Three same with bacon please" he says closing his eye's again. Who doss he think I am room service.

"Fine, if your ass isn't in the dinning room at that time I'm going to eat them myself" I threaten.

"Yes ma'am" he sighs. He sleeps one night in my bed and now he thinks he's some rich guy. I head out of my room to the kitchen and get to cooking. I stir the batter as I plug in the waffle maker. I pour the sweet batter in the mold and let it cook. The smell of waffles just makes my mouth water along the the smell of bacon. Good thing I am cooking this food for the both of us or I would eat his.

"Damn it smells good in here" Hinder walks in and opens the fridge getting the milk. He opens it and acts like he is about to drink it straight from the jug.

"There are cups right there" I point to the cupboard behind him. He blushes awkwardly as he gets a cup before putting the jug back.

"Sorry" he blushes is a cute way. God damn it, why does it affects me so easily?

"You are such a child I swear" I laugh as I turn off the stove since I finished making the bacon. I feel a warm pressed on my back and the feeling of rope around my waist. I smile happily knowing exactly who it is.
"I'm a child" he whispers in my ear sending shivers of bliss down my spine.

"Yes you are Hinder" I laugh at him loving the feeling of his warm touch.

"Oh really" he chuckles kissing my neck softly driving my crazy. My breath becomes heavier and my body becomes needy. I could eat him for breakfast. I giggle softly at my thoughts while he continues his soft kisses.

"Hinder" I say in a soft moan. Oh god what is happening to me?

"What it is beautiful" he sucks on the lobe of my ear leaving me speechless. Oh wow, that feels so...

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