Chapter 19

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Today is the day. Well my day and Hinders. I breath in slowly to calm my nerves down. This is the biggest day of my life. I start to pace a bit as my stylist waits for me to calm down.

"Honey chill and let me do your make up. You're going to be the perfect bride." She tells me with a big smile.

"Thanks Lora." I smile at her as I see my cousins arrive. I'm so glad, Chris, Mia and Audrey could make it.

I sit down in the chair so Lora can work on me. Alright I'm getting married to the man of my dreams. My family is here. And I'm going to have a wonderful time. I sigh nervously as Lora works on me.

"Everything is going to be perfect don't worry." She says as she starts to do my hair.

"Yeah, it's just pre bridal jitters." I laugh nervously. I'm just worried about Phoenix, what if he shows up?

"Worried about the wedding or the groom?" She asks curiously.

"The wedding. I know I want my groom." I smile happily. I'm marrying Hinder Marks even if it kills me.

"Well everything looks good, just worry about kissing the groom." She tells me and it makes me relax a bit.

"How is everything going?" My mom asks excited.

"Good, just some bridal jitters." Lora smiles at my mom.

"Well everything is great and Aubrey brought a date. I swear they are the cutest thing. So did Chris, and of course Mia is single and ready to mingle as usual." My mom tells me.

"That's my cousins for you. All blondes and all different." I smile happily.

"Also your friend Sarah came." My mom informs me.

"I'm glad she can make it." I smile. I invited her since she got over Hinder and has moved on to her new life in college. "Did Starry make it?" I ask.

"Yes and James did too with his whole family. And Manny has a date with pink hair." My mom says happily gossiping with me. I feel so much better with her here. I just hope my dream doesn't come true.

"Is he at least cute." I chuckle.

"Yeah I guess you can say that." She says with a smile.

"You two are very strange, but I want to now see this pink haired man." Lora laughs freely.

"Yeah he's definitely different. And didn't Starry and James start to plan their wedding?" My mom asks.

"Yeah, I think so." I say with a smile. I swear those two are super cute.

"I'm happy for them." My mom smiles. "And I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you found the one." She wipes a tear away from her eye. She is so over dramatic.

"Thank you mom, I'm just super excited to spend the rest of my life with the man I love." I say happily as Lora finishes up with my hair.

"You look like a princess. Now go get your prince." She tells me. Oh I will, and hopefully everything will go smoothly.

"Thank you so much." I smile at her as she heads out to join the rest of the wedding guest.

"Are you ready sweet heart?" My mom asks looking at me through the mirror.

"As ready as I will ever be." I breath out nervously.

"Perfect, let me get your father." She scurrys off to go find my father.

I sigh as Lora leaves as well so I look at myself and think of everything. I really needed some alone time. I know I'm ready to marry, but I'm still afraid. I look in the mirror again and twirl around feeling like a princess. I just wanted to start singing a wish is a dream your heart makes. Since I feel like Cinderella. I just hope I don't lose my shoe on the way to the alternative, that would definitely be embarrassing. Though if I have to compare me to any Disney character I would so be Mulan. I sigh as I look over at my heels and then my white converse for the reception.

I felt it would be easier to dance and walk around in. I still haven't seen what Hinder is going to wear, I just hope he looks good. Well he would look good in anything or nothing at all. I smile at the thought but stop when I hear people coming.

My mother and father walk back in. My father just stares at me with love in his eyes. "My baby girl is all grown up and getting married." He says wiping away an imaginary tear.

"Yeah, I had to grow up sometime. And what better time than now." I say with a smile. I hug him softly since I don't want to mess up my make-up and hair. Don't judge me it's my wedding day.

"I know. And I super excited as well." My mom squeals happily.

"So how does it feel to be the best man and the father of the bride?" I ask my dad. Since we've gotten engaged my dad has gotten closer to Hinder. So Hinder asked him to be his best man and my father excepted.

"Nervous and excited. I don't really get to walk you down the aisle but I do have to give you away." He says with a smile.

"Yeah and you better allow it." I tell him.

"I will don't worry sweet heart. So you ready to walk the aisle?" He asks me with a big grin on his face.

"Yes, yes I am." So I put my veil on, my heels and I grabbed my bouquet. I followed to the spot where I begin the walk. The music begins to play and my parents walk down arm in arm up to the alter. Then I begin my walk.

I slowly walk as I look at all the family that came. They watch me as I walk up to the alter where my fiance stands in a custom made leather dress jacket. Oh I'm so glad I'm marrying him. Soon I will be Mrs. Hinder Marks for the rest of my life.

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