Chapter 10

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After the party Sarah has basically been avoiding us, which I don't find is a bad thing. I rather enjoy her leaving us alone, it means more time with Hinder.

"So what color were you thinking about for prom" he asks me as we study for our chemistry test on our bench. Prom? Oh I forgot all about it.

"Um I don't know, maybe green it will go good with our eyes" I blush bright red. Well it's true it would.

"I agree, so do you want me to drive your car or get a limo" he asks looking up at me.

"I don't know, why do I have to be the one who decides " I shrug as I continue to study.

"It's usually the girls thing, but it's okay I'll just drive it would be a lot cheaper" he decides. And no waiting for it to arrive and pick us up.

"Good, we just have to decide on the color of green we want" I blush. It's not going to be that hard is it?

"Well that is your department" he smirks at me and I roll my eyes. Boy's can never make a choice for themselves can they.

When the bell rings we head to our classes and I decide that I need to go dress shopping after school. Never thought I would be doing this.

When school is over Hinder meets me up at the back of the school. "Hey babe" he kisses me softly. I don't think I will ever get used to this.

"Hey, so um I'm going dress shopping today if you want to join" I suggest.

"I have to do something with my dad today, sorry" he scratches the back of his neck.

"No it's okay babe " I kiss him softly. We head our separate ways.

Once I reach the local dress shop I head in and look around. I see otjer girls from my school looking at the shorter more sluty dresses. I sigh as I look at all the longer dresses since I barely expose my legs and plus I want to look elegant, not like a hooker. I mean they don't like cheap hookers, more like the ones that take credit cards. I look and the stop when I see it a green and white long dress that is perfect. Oh my it's gorgeous. I take it off the rack and press it on me. Wow it looks even better than I thought.

"Would you like to try that on" the lady at the counter asks me nicely. I nod my head shyly as she takes me to the dressing room. I lock the door behind me and strip down then put on the dress. And now it looks even better than ever. It fits me perfectly hugging every curve. "How do you like it" the lady yells through the door. I open it so she can see. "Wow it looks even better on you" she smiles.

"I'll take it" I grin from cheek to cheek. I close the door and get dressed back in my street clothes before buying the dress. I can't help but skip all the way hope feeling like I'm on cloud nine. I stop by McDonald's to get my dinner when I see Sarah and her friends sitting at a booth. I hold my dress proudly as I order a big Mac meal with coke and french fries.

"Hey, where's your boyfriend" she asks tauntingly. It seems the old Sarah is back now that Hinder rejected her for me.

"He's at home" I smirk proudly as I put the lid on my coke and insert the straw.

"He's probably off having fun with some other girl" she says. Oh you just won't let it go will you.

"Nah I know he loves me, since he rejected you with your desperate attempt to steal him from me" I snap back watching the shock and horror displayed on her face. Her friends laugh at her which makes her angry. My number is called and I take my to go bag and leave without another word. I won and there is no stopping me now.

I go home and hang up my dress so it didn't get wrinkled. I should probably show this to Hinder so he knows what colors. I eat my dinner and decide to text him.

Hey, so I got my dress wanna see?
~the Rebel

I click send as I sit on my couch watching the news. I hear a bing from my phone and look over at it.

Of course I do, show it to me babe.
~like a boss

I always laugh at his signature. I hop up and take a good pic making sure the color is right so that he knew what color before I sent it.

So what do you think?
~the Rebel

I sit back down and stuff my fries in my face as usual. What can I say I love french fries. I get another bing, so I check it out.

It's beautiful. I bet it looks even better on you. So green and white, that's going to be intresting. So how are you?
~like a boss

I ponder on what I should text. Oh fine, saw Sarah and made fun of her, no way am I saying that. I should go with protcol talk he will understand that.

Wonderful, I had a confrontation with Sarah at the local McDonald's and I came out on top.
~the Rebel

That should be good enough, I guess. What if he finds it cold and distant? Oh boy I might have just messed everything up. My cell phone goes off again and I quickly see what he says.

Awesome, you go girl. If she is messing with you agian then stick up for yourself. I'm only proud of you honey.
~like a boss

I giggle. This is what I love about him, he understands me.

Thanks babe, so how are you? How's the thing with your dad going?
~the Rebel

I eat my fries even though my full focus is on my phone screen. When his text appear I quickly scan it.

Good, I guess. I have to go or he will kill me. Love you babe. XOXO
~like a boss

I blush since I love when he texts me hugs and kisses.

Okay, text you later babe. Good luck, love you too. XOXO
~the Rebel

And with that I spent my night eating McDonald's and watching what ever was on TV. I so can't wait for prom now that I have my dress and the perfect date, it's going to be great.

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