Chapter 13

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It was the day of my 18th birthday. And my parents were actually there and so was my amazing, now fiancé.

"Okay, well we need to sing now" my mom says trying not to break into tears.

"Our little girl is all grown up" my dad hugs my mom. They got a lot of time off for themselves after my graduation.

"Thanks dad" I laugh as Hinder holds my hand. I look into his hazel eyes knowing he is going to be my husband someday. He's definitely the only one for me.

"Let me get the cake" my mom fusses as she runs to the kitchen. It feels like I was little again with my parents being together.

"Well here she comes with the cake" my dad laughs as my mom hustles to put the cake on the table and light my birthday candles.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Rebel, happy birthday to you." They all sang. Very out of tune may I add. I blew out my candles as they clap. What did I wish for, well if I tell you it won't come true will it?

"So what did you wish for sweetie" my mother asks of course.

"If she tells you it won't come true honey, remember" my dad chuckles.

"Of yes of course, I'm sorry that I forgot sweetie " my mom kisses my dad lightly. It's still gross seeing your parents kiss even if I'm eighteen.

"Now it's present time" I smile at my parents and fiancé. I will never grow tired of that, Hinder and I.

"Here you go sweetie" my mom hands me one big box and one small box. I open the small on first and it's the car keys to the van. I smile at my parents happily.

"Thank you guys" I say before opening the big box full of books. No way are these all signed. It was all the books I hand and all signed pby their authors. "Oh my, this is the best present ever" I squel jumping up and hugging both of my parents. I can't believe they had the time to do all of this I mean, J.K. Rowling, James Patterson and R.A.Gates. it's like a real dream come true.

"We knew that you would want something special and well we thought about it. You love books so much why not get them signed by the authors" my mom smiles happily. I still can't believe they did this all for me. I get a car and signed books by my favorite authors. Nothing can beat this, but what did Hinder get me?

"That will be hard to follow, but I think that I won" he puts ltwo boxs on the table and a card. "Open the card last okay" he tells me. Now I want to open it first, but I will follow his instructions.

I rip open the first present and it is a sketch book and a small art kit. He knows me so well, since I love drawing. It's been a hoby of mine since forever. And plus it's good for making maps if need be, just saying. I then open the next box. It was all my school books I needed for this year. Gosh he is so thoughtful. I kiss him on the cheek before opening the card. It was a gushy card that said meaningful stuff. And of course I loved it. It also had two tickets to Hawaii in two weeks time.

"You are the best." I squel jumping on him, kissing him and hugging him.

"No you are, and happy birthday honey, you only deserve the best." He kisses me softly before lookig deep into my eyes. I can melt in hose hazel eyes for the rwst of my life, and hopefully I will.

"We got some two so we could..." Hinder cut my mother off.

"So I could give you your last and most important gift." He says nervously staring at my mom who is blushing. Okay what are they up too?

"And that is?" I ask curiously. Hinder blushes looking down at his shoes before looking back into my eyes. Oh this is serious.

"To marry you." He says making the room dead silence. Is he serious? Is this really happening.

"I can't believe you." I say looking down at my feet.

"I'm sorry if it's too early I understand. " Hinder says freaking out.

"I can't believe you did all of this." I squel jumping on him again. We laugh as he spins me around. He puts me dow and kisses me passionately.

"Oh course babe, only the best for you." He smiles at me as I wipe the happy tears from my eyes. "Why are you crying?" He asks worried. I laugh at him with a big smile on my face making him all confused.

"They are tears of joy and happiness don't worried honey buns."I giggle at my nickname for him that he hates. I can't believe weare going to get married in Hawaii and my parents are going to be there too, this is so the best birthday ever. Not because I have never had anyone come to my birthday, no because I feel like my family is all together including Hinder.

The door bell rings. "I'll get it don't worry, just start cutting the cake okay." I kiss Hinders cheek before jogging to the front door. I open it with a smile on my face the slowly drops as I see who it is. No, it can't be. Why now? How? How can he be still alive?!

"Happy birthday Rebel." Phoenix smiles down at me. How can he come back when he died right in front of me? Why now? Why him? Why me? Why?

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