Chapter 11

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Time seemed to fly by and now it was time for prom since my parents won't be around to take photos of me and Hinder in our prom outfits I get one of the teachers at thw dance to do it for us. My hair is done up all super fancy like in a braid that I did myself. Hinder looks amazing in his white suit and green shirt.

"Better than imagined" he asks me as we dance slowly with his hands on my waist and my arms around his neck.

"Yes way better" I agree with a bright smile. Since the music was too loud in the ball room area we are dancing in th hall like a couple of socially awkward kids, but who cares. I'm having the time of my life I don't give a damn what everyone else thinks.

"Good, I'm enjoying it too" he grins putting his forehead on mine as we dance slowly to the song. Nothing can be better than this moment right here in the arms of the man I love.

"I love you" I whisper looking into his vibrant hazel eyes that are shining bright because of his shirt.

"I couldn't imagine being here with any other girl than you. I love you too" he says sweetly making my heart skip a beat. I'm in love, and he's in love with me. "I have a surprise for you tonight" he says nervously.

"Oh really? What is it" I ask excited. Oh wow he is going all out.

"It's a surprise I can't tell you silly" he laughs at me. The song stops and a new more up beat song starts to play.

"Why not" I ask pouting like a silly girl. Oh god what am I doing? I stop when I realize how ridiculous I am acting.

"It's a surprise, if I tell you then it would ruin it" he says taking me back to the loud dance floor. Everyone is hoping the beat of the song. I see Sarah and her group. Most of her friends had dates so she was sitting alone at her table looking sad. I do feel sorry for her, but she needs to face reality and the fact money isn't happiness.

"Fine, but I will still want to know" I smile at him and he pulls me into his arms for a kiss. He always leave me breathless. He's that good.

About a couple of hours later the dance is over and everyone heads out to go to their limos while Hinder and I go to my mini van of a car. We drive off while everyone is still stuck there.

"So what's the surprise" I ask. Yup I don't forget easily when something excites me of course.

"You'll just have to wait and see" he says with a secretive smile since he knows something I don't. He's going to do this just to irritate me as usual.

I look out and watch everything pass by. Tonight was probably the best night ever, I mean Hinder has been taking me on dates a lot lately and tonight was the best. I never really liked the idea of prom, but that was before Hinder. I guess all the things I thought I hated have changed ever since I fell for Hinder. He's addictive and I can't help it. I finally realize that I don't know where we are. It's not the best of areas but it's not thay bad. He parks at an apartment complex.

"What are we doing here" I ask him confused while he has a big smirk on his face. Is this the surprise, because it's not that good. He hops out of the car and opens my door letting me step out.

"It's the surprise" he grins as he picks me up in he bridal way makig me giggle. He locks the car as he head to an apartment. What? No way he didn't. "Welcome to my new place" he opens the door and carries me inside before placing me down.

"It's perfect" I squel as I hug him and kiss him. He kiss me back holding me tight. We have been planning on getting a place and I can't believe he did it.

"I'm glad you like it" he grins looking down at me.

"Of course I do" I smile looking at the couch which is the only furniture in the room he has.

"Follow me" he grabs my hand and drags me to the second room in the back which isa bedroom. It has a dresser, closet and a matress. "So what do you think, I know it's not much but..." I kiss him cutting him off.

"I already told you it's perfect" I smile at him making him grin.

"I'm glad, so do you want to stay the night you can barrow one of my shirts" he blushes. This will be our first night in our first place.

"I would be pleased to" I grin at him.

"Wonderful, um here it my shirt" he takes out a black one from his dresser and hands it to me. "I'll make you something for dinner" he walks off the right where the kitchen seems to be. I take off my dress and hang it up in the half full closet. I put on his shirt which reachs my thighs. I walk out to the living room where he has two plates, a candle and a flower.

"I think this os going to be our best date ever" I sit down across from him. I dig into my spaghetti. Spaghetti is my favorite food, and his was amazing.

By the end of the night we end up in our bed. I snuggle up to his bare chest as he holds my waist. "Goodnight my everything" he kisses my nose.

"Goodnight my heart" I snuggle in closer letting him be both my pillow and blanket as I fall asleep. I never knew what love was, not until I met Hinder.

~ * ~

Hey readers, this is a special chapter for me because this is what my prom basically was like. And it is one of my best memories with my boyfriend. And I hope that you enjoy your prom or the one you love as long as you have it. Enjoy life and live it the way you want life is too short.

So thank you for reading. Please ask me anything and tell me what you think. I know I don't usually do authors notes but this chapter was so special I had to. Please enjoy.


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