Chapter 2

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"You alright" Hinder asks taking me out of my trance, into a new one. Why does he always wear that leather jacket. I sigh as I look at it with a smile. He snaps his fingers in front of me so I look at his face. "Hey my eye's are up here" he tells me.

"So" I cross my arms and look away. Why do I have to be stuck with him? The leather jacket I am fine with, but him.

"You are such a dork" he laughs. We are walking home as we usually do, it's what couples do.

"So, I like leather jackets, is that so wrong" I ask him definitely.

"The rebellious Rebel, your name fits you perfect" he stops at the corner. I look into his hazel eye's. They look exactly the same as the day we met. "Your beauty only hurts me to know I hate you" he says.

"Oh, you are so romantic" I flip my hair and giggle. Making us both laugh. We have gotten used to each other in this year, but in a way I am thankful for that night.

It was game night and my mom was home for once.
I just walked in the door and she was in the kitchen. I haven't seen her there since I was a baby. "Hey mom" I say as I watch her make mac and cheese. Same meal too. I smile fondly at the memory.

"Hey sweet heart" she smiles at me. Her blue eye's sparkle, but look tired.

"I'm going to get ready" I say as I head to my room. I go and take off my converse and shirt. I replace them with a black tank top and my black army boots. I still wear my army green jacket and jeans. I put my knife in my back pocket of my jeans. This isn't like any other kill, and I know it. He's just like me, how can I kill myself?

"Dinner is ready sweet heart" my mother calls out taking me out of my thoughts. He's just a target. I tell myself as I make my way to the dining room.

"Mac and cheese I see" I say even though it's probably the only thing my mom has time to make. I watch her tired eye's look upon me.

"I'm going to rest, have a fun time at the game tonight sweet heart and be safe" she kisses my forehead as she starts to walk down the hall.

"Night mom" I call back as she closes her door. It's been like this since I was old enough to feed myself. Once in a while my mom or dad would show up. Never together though, which made me sad. Holidays were always lonely, but I live with it. You became a killer instead, he irony of it all is sickening. My parents save lives and I take them. I sigh as I eat my mac and cheese in silence.

I was my dish then head to the game to kill my target, and maybe take his leather jacket. I smile gleefully as I race myself to the school I despise.

I stand in the center of my school. It is now night and all you can hear is the sound of the crowd from the stadium. I can still see thanks to the moon and stars, but I'm quite alone, for now.

Foot steps echo on the concrete. I turn to face the sound and the light. I see a man holding a flash light and wearing a leather jacket. I smirk as I shake my head. I need to get my own, if only my parents would allow it.

"Well, well isn't it the beautiful killer" he said with a light chuckle.

"And the egotistical hitman" I counter back.

"You are a firecracker, but I like it, too bad I have to kill you" he says as if sad.

"And what makes you think that I won't kill you" I ask as I start to make my plan. Alright, head to the auditorium and get the high ground on the steps, or the stage?

"Because, I planned this out before you did" he says and drops the flash light. He moves towards me and stabs with his knife. But I dodge in time while grabbing ky own knife. Crap I'm facing the wrong way. That was when I realized the hall in the middle of the science wing has light and it the teachers lounge.

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