Chapter 6

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Like a gentleman Hinder opened the door for me at the small café. All there was were hispters and work people just wanting to get their coffee not even seeing the two kids on a first date.

"So what would you like" he asks as we stand behind three people.

"A muffin, blueberry, and English breakfast tea" I smile at him. So this is what a first date is like. I think to myself as we step up to the counter.

"Well to 'Hot Mug' how may I take your order" the female clerk smiles and Hinder and blushes. He ignores her completely making me happy. That is right girl he's with me. I think proudly. Holy crap what's happening to me?

"A blueberry muffin, a scone, English breakfast tea and a good old fashion cup of joe" Hinder orders smiling down at me. I blush but feel stupid. God, when I become that girl, I'm a strong independent woman who could kick his ass. I guess I'm just changing, maybe even living my life. "What are you think" he whispers in my ear as we step to the side waiting for our order.

"Oh, nothing just thinking about how things have changed" I smile but feel sad remembering the past. My isn't a happy one.

"Is that a good thing or no" he asks grabbing the order and sitting down at a two person table.

"I guess it's a good thing, but things could go very bad, very fast" I say taking a bite of my muffin. Oh yummy, blueberries.

"Your right, but you have to risk the good even if it will end bad" he takes a bite of his scone. And right then I know he is right, but I won't admit it.

"Alright, now let's talk about something, anything" I suggest to him taking another bite. I take out the tea bag and sit my tea.

"Well then tell me about yourself" he leans back taking a sip of his coffee.

"Why do I have to go first" I whine sipping my tea.

"Because ladies first, that's why" he smirks. God damn him and his good points.

"Fine, but no interupting or never knowing" I look at him and he just smirks.

"Deal, now tell me your story" he said now sitting quietly and patiently. I close my eye's and take a deep breath. It's time someone finds out about me.

"Well you know that both of my parents are doctor's" I start nervously as he just nods in agreement. "When I was younger I was stuck at home a lot, so they went and found a babysitter. He was different then what I expected, and well I liked. He started to train me how to fight as I grew up. He would come off and on once I was getting older. He would still stop by and train me till I was now a weapon. And when I turned fourteen he introduced me to the 'Organization'. That's when he went on a mission and I watched from a far, by this time I had feelings for him, but never really showed anything back so it was just a crush. But that night, something went wrong and there was an explosion. And like that he was gone and I was working for the people who got him killed. That was until a year ago and I met your pain in the ass" I laugh as I look up at him to see what he thinks. I didn't want to get into detail because it's just too personal for me.

"Well it's a good thing you did meet me, and that guy seemed like a good man " he smiles kindly just trying to cheer me up.

"Now you know my past and how I got into all of this, how about you" I ask.

"No just yet, I was just wondering what was your age difference" he sips his coffee. Of course he can't just be happy with basics. I groan as I glare at him eating his scone smugly.

"Ten, but age doesn't matter, he was kind and the only friend I had. I was never able to get along with others since Sarah would always point out that I was new money and a commoner. She really believed in the medieval system of popular growing up" I sip my tea.

"So Sarah has always been like" he asks with a chuckle.

"Pretty much. She's her daddy's little princess and she took it to heart" I shrug. It's always been causal smart me vs popular day dreaming Sarah. Thing is I never really cared so she couldn't really effect me.

"But why does she hate you so much" he asks. Noisy much.

"Well in fifth grade she took away the book I was reading to make some point about how superior she was to me and I punched her in the nose. I got my book back and she hasn't messed with me since" I grin remembering that moment. I purposely made sure not to break her nose so I wouldn't get in trouble, but made sure it hurt enough so she didn't want to come back for more.

"Did you break her nose" he asks in wonder.

"Nah, just made sure it hurt enough so she wouldn't mess with me again" I chuckle. Actually after that no one messed with me leaving me with no friends.

"That's awesome. So you want to hear my story now" he finishes his scone. My muffin has been for a while now.

"I guess, I mean I told you mine so why not" I laugh. He smirks at me finishing his coffee as I sip my tea.

"Alright same rules no interuptions" he tells me point his finger at me to make the point.

"Alright, chill" I raise my hand in surrender till he puts his hand down clam and I put my arms down. Alright it's time to finally know the truth od his past.

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