Chapter 7

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He takes a deep breath before starting. "Okay before I was born their was my mom, my dad and my older brother. When I was born my mother died of child birth leaving me with my father and nine year old brother. They tried hard to raise, well my brother did. All my dad did was drink. So when my brother was sixteen he got a job to support us. He would come back late at night and leave early a lot. When I was nine my brother was able to leave, I would see him once in a while since he enlisted in the army. My father was so proud of him and hated me. He wouldn't beat me when he knew my brother was coimg home. My brother taught me how to fight and stick up for myself at school. I continued my training even when he wasn't there. Then an agent from the 'Company ' noticed me and offered me a good paying job when I was fourteen and I took it. A year later I found out that my brother was killed during a mission. Then my father beat me regularly blaming me for both mother and brother's death. In a way in strengthens me so I can take a hit easier. I never really got the right attention for healing till I met you, so thank you" he smiles kindly but all I can think about is how horrible his life has been.

"I never knew you had a brother" I say in shock as I sip my tea.

"Yeah, well we all have secrets I guess" he shrugs like it's nothing.

"You need to tell your dad no, I get that you are almost eighteen but you need to do it before you move out. To show him you are a man" I tell him. I always liked reading books about wolves and how they show dominance over the others. Yes I am a super nerd.

"I will and I'm already eighteen you know this" he scoffs. Oh yeah I was the only one he celebrates with while I stitched him up.

"Yeah, sorry I forgot" I blush as I gulp down the rest of my tea. Well this is an interesting first date.

"This is weird for a first date" he says exactly what I am thinking. It sometimes scares me how we are so similar. I mean we both like the colors black and blue, we love action movie's and plus we love fighting. I know it doesn't seem like much but it is at least something. Plus leather jackets, don't judge.

"I was just thinking the same thing" I laugh nervously. God when did I turn into such a girl, well when I met Hinder, that asshole. I scowl at my new discovery.

"What's with the soar face" he laughs enjoying my anger. Prick.

"You've changed me " I growl as I glare at his laughing. Oh he just thinks this is so funny, well I'm going to get him.

"And how have I changed you" he asks trying to keep a serious face but still obviously amused. Jerk.

"I've turned all girly" I say with disgust making him burst out in a full out roar making me angry and embarrassed with everyone in the café staring at us like we are weirdos. That's it I'm done. I stand up and walk out out holding my head up high as he following still in a laughing atrack. God will he just stop it wasn't that funny.

"Stop it's hard to walk" he says calming down from his laugh attack. I sigh as I lean on the van waiting for him to let me in.

"Well that's not my fault is it, take me home" I tell him like a definite child. Asshole.

"Fine party killer" he opens my door and I get in. Okay he is still a gentleman but a jerk non the less. He gets in his side and we head of. The drive home was short and we passed by a few apartments since he is looking for a new place. He needs a job first, which I made him quit. I'm feeling wrse knowing it's my fault Hinder can't move out of his dad's. I'm such a bitch.

When we arrive we are alone. I ger out wihout one word and go inside he follows suit in silence. I turn to face him to say something when the doorbell rings.

"You know who it is" Hinder asks confused. If I did I would have told you idiot. I groan at his stupidity.

"Of course I don't know could be anyone" I go to the doo4 shaking my head at him as I look through the peep hole. Oh no, it can't. Why are they here?

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