Chapter 20

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I walk up the alter to meet with my fiance. The beach background made it just perfect. It was about 3 hours before sunset which was perfect time. It was just a perfect view.

"Does the father give his daughters hand to this man?" The preacher asks.

"Yes, I do." My father smiles at me. Can this day get more perfect?

I held Hinder's hand and stood facing him. Man he looks so good in that leather jacket.

"We are here today to watch the marriage and Hinder Marks and Rebel Conners. If anyone has something that opposes this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." The preacher announces. I squeeze Hinder's worried about Phoenix showing up.

After three seconds I blow out the breath I was holding as the preacher begins to continue. "I guess everyone held their peace. So we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two young lovers." He smiles at everyone.

"I object." I hear Phoenix yell out. Fùcking son of a, I'm going to end his life.

"Leave!" I yell at him as I see a woman behind him. "What is this?" I say very pissed off.

"Me telling you not to marry my brother." Phoenix says as if it was obvious.

"You are ruining my perfect wedding, unless you want to die here and now I suggest you leave!" I say on the verge of psychotic.

"You see I can't do that, I still have a job to finish." The woman says with a smirk.

"Couldn't you just leave today out of this Kathy?" Hinder says with sad eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ask looking at him confused.

"She was my trainer and she promised me if I ever left she would kill me. And here she is." He explains to me.

"Well I think we are both capable of doing this?" He smirks at my words. I turn to face my mom. "Please move the guest away something dangerous is going to happen and I would not like them to be hurt." I tell her with a smile. She nods in shock.

We turn back to the two as my parents move them away from all the seats but the can still see. "Preacher I will ask you to continue with marrying us before we die." Hinder says standing up straight and proudly.

"Alright." He says shaking a little.

"I really didn't want to do this, but I guess we have too." I slide off the skirt of my dress revealing my knives and white pants. I slip off my heels. I can hear the guest gasp in shock for seeing the real me.

Hinder takes out the two guns from their holster. "I love you babe." He winks as I take off my veil. I'm so glad we had the photographer take a few pictures of us at the alter.

"Do you Hinder Marks take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and hold through richer or poorer, sickness and health till death do you part?" He asks as Phoenix takes out gun. Kathy takes out a Japanese kitauna. Where did she get that? I want one.

"I so do." He smirks before aiming at the chair next to Phoenix after cocking back the revolver and shooting the chair moved to hit him but Phoenix tucks at rolls giving me the opportunity to throw my knife to get his gun out of his hand.

"Now it will be equal, no fun in quick death right?" I glare at him as he smirks up at me.

"You know me so well sweet heart." He chuckles as Hinder runs up and kicks him in he face.

"She's mine bastard." He state's possessively. Oh my that is such a turn on and with the leather jacket, I'm helpless to him.

"So I guess it's just you and me then?" Kathy asks. Her long blonde hair and killer brown eyes glare at me.

"I guess so, and preacher continue." I tell him and he nods scared out of his wit.

I grab two of my knives as she comes at me with her sword. "Do you Rebel Conners take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband." He begins as she stabs and I use my knives to deflect it pushing her sword to the left as I kick her in the stomach making her slide back.

"To have and to hold." He continues. Kathy swings her sword to the left of me as I block it with my knives giving me the opportunity to jump over it onto a plastic chair. She swings in towards my bare feet but I jump foreward getting closer to where Hinder and Phoenix are fighting.

Since all three guns are out of the way they are fight hand to hand combat with seems to be going very well. I throw both of my knives at Kathy's sword knocking it out of her hands. "Through richer or poorer." I hear the preacher continue nervously. I see the shocked faces of my guest.

Kathy grabbed one of my knives since the other one broke with the sword blade. "You're more skilled than I expected." She says amazed.

"Well when you are known as a weapon you learn as much as you can." I say. Let's say I learned more after I quit.

"Sickness and in health till the day you die?" The preacher finishs.

"I do, with no doubt, I do!" I proclaim as I begin my knife fight.

"By the power vested in me I proclaim you husband and wife you make kiss the bride." He says before running over to the rest of the crowd. He may have forgotten the ring exchange but can you blame him?

I got the perfect opportunity to punch her right in the throat which will cut off her air supply. But she did get in a punch right on my jaw. In stead of her suffocating she just passed out. Well that was helpful. I turn to Hinder where he was about to punch his brother back and I was able to throw a knife through his left hand making him cry out in pain. Hinder stares at me before running over to me.

"The rings." I tell him as we exchange and put on our rings.

"My wife." He grabs my waist and pulling me into a passionate kiss that I returned with just as much passion.

"I will have to cut this reunion short." I hear the click of a gun being cocked. We turn to face where the voice can from to see Phoenix pointing the gun at Hinder. "Too bad there will be no honeymoon, for you brother." And with that he shoots him in the heart.

"No!" I scream. As Hinder's body hits the floor. No, no this can't be happening. No, not Hinder. NO!!!

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