Chapter 21

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After I saw the scene before me play out I fall to my knees next to my now dead husbands body. The blood splatter on the top. I hold his body crying hard as I can. "No!" I screamed over and over till my crying becomes to much to were I can't speak anymore. My life, my love, my everything gone.

"Get off him." Phoenix pulls me off of him making me kneel in front of him.

"Kill me too, because I will never marry you." I spit on his shoes.

He slaps me with the muzzle of the gun. "You will listen to me even if I have to shoot everyone in your family." He yells at me.

"If you kill them I'll only kill myself so I would rather you did it now." I snap at him.

"I'm not going to kill you. I killed you brother for you." He says aggravated.

"I said kill me." I said grabbing the gun and pointing the barrel at my head. "I have nothing worth living for anymore. It's best you just take me out of my misery." I say as the tears slide down my face. My whole word is gone.

"No." He tries to pull the gun away but I keep my grip firm.

"Just do it!" I yell at him. "Just let me have peace. If you love me you would do this for me." I can hear the gasps still of my guest. This wasn't the wedding I was planning on having, but I did marry the man of my dreams. But now all that is left are nightmares.

I hear the click of the revolver as the neck bullet lines up into the chamber. I stare into Phoenix's frightened eyes. I want him to see what it feels like to lose the one you love and know that he's the one that killed all love that was there.

Another clicking sound rings out. "I would ask you politely to take that gun away from my wife's head please." I hear Hinder's voice behind Phoenix.

Phoenix uncocks the gun and drops it on the ground. "Hinder?" I ask as I stand up to see he has the gun pointed at the back of Phoenix's head.

"Yes my love?" He asks giving me a smirk.

"You're alive!" I proclaim happily.

"Yeah, how is that so?" Phoenix asks holding his hands up in surrender.

"Blood packets and a bullet proof vest. You know how much that shot hurt?" Hinder presses the muzzle of the gun harder into the back of his brothers skull. "How dare you think you can come to my wedding, kill me, steal my bride and ruin my jacket!" He snaps. He takes the gun away from Phoenix's head, but he hits his brother with the butt of the gun knocking Phoenix out.

The guest cheer as Phoenix falls. "No one touches my wife besides me." He opens the rounds so the bullets fall out before he drops the gun. He pulls me into his embrace kissing me like he's never kissed me before. He was kissing me as my husband.

After we cleaned up all the messages and had the two arrested. All of the guest headed to the reception hall in the hotel. I changed my dress into my back up wedding dress. I knew it would come in handy.

Hinder changed his shirt into those suit and tight shirt but her still wears his leather jacket that now has a hole in it. I should have killed Phoenix for that. How dare he ruin that beautiful and sexy jacket.

Lora redid my hair and make up so it looked perfect again. We took our pictures while he wore another dress shirt. I put on my converse to dance and celebrate.

"So was it the dream wedding you were hopping for?" Hinder asks me with a big smile on his face.

"It was till the fight and you dying part. But marrying you made that all better. I just hope our relatives don't freak out about it later." I sigh. Yeah a lot more of myself was revealed then my wedding dress.

"Don't worry, everything will work out fine. We got jobs, we are going to college, we're married and we have an apartment." He tells me proudly.

"Yes, yes we do." I kiss him softly. "And our whole lives ahead of us." I smile happily.

"Yes, yes we do." He says giving me a passionate kiss.

That night he showed me how much he loves me, many, many times. Over the years we have grown to love each other even more. He became a mechanic and now owns his own auto shop. Me, well I became a high school teacher. I thought English which was fun with the last name of Marks.

We had two kids, a girl by the name of Kia and a boy named Pierce. Kia had my brown hair with Hinder's hazel eyes, while Pierce had Hinder's black hair but my soft green ones. They were both meant for greatness that is for sure.

Hinder and I were happy. We were never bothered by assassin's or spies ever again, but we still stayed in shape to make sure we could still be ready by any time. But we still haven't had to use it. I mean my throwing skills are great in bars. But I have a family and a life now.

You know I never thought I would marry my high school sweet heart. But things is I did even though it was fake. But our love was always real.

We lived in a two story house that was enough room away from our neighbors. We didn't like the Windows to Windows buildings that just didn't feel right. The only thing that made it home for me was Hinder.

He has made my life, my love my everything. I could never live with out him and I never will. I love you Hinder Marks.

The End

So that was really the end. And I'm so happy that I have finished this wonderful story. It is a true love story, and it was all inspired by my love for my amazing boyfriend. I love him so much. Thank you for reading this story, I really enjoyed writing it.

And for my awesome brèast friend M.L. Gates, who I love to torture. I hope this chapter brought you joy because I was just going to kill her mother and she was going to Phoenix then be on the run before killing herself. You should be glad I ended it the way I did. And Pierce is their baby. (Vampire Mode) *Flips collar*

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