Chapter 15

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After my birthday Hinder and I have been high alert but now that we are going to Hawaii to get married we can relax a little. Hopefully.

"Babe are you okay?" Hinder asks me. I look down at the small world that I live in as we fly over the state's to the ocean. The world seems so big from the ground but so small from the air. "Babe?" Hinder's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I look at him confused and worried.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned. I love him, and I don't care what you or anyone says. He is perfect especially in his leather jacket.

"Yes I'm fine and so are you." I bite my bottom lip as I touch the jacket.

"You are obsessed you know that? But I love that about you babe." He kisses my forehead lovingly.

"So how much longer do we have to wait before we get to the hotel or we can join the mile high club?" I ask. Don't judge me, I'm marrying him in like two days it is the time to do naughty stuff. Especially when he wears that leather jacket of his.

"I shouldn't have worn this jacket, but wait till the hotel, I want to be the only person to hear you moan." He chuckle as he kisses me lips sweetly. I swerved he is such a tease sometimes.

"Fine." I cross my arms and huff. I pout for a bit till he smirks at me and I laugh. He does things to me like no one before, I don't know what a life is without him.

"I've been wondering for weeks now, so what was in that box my brother gave you?" He finally asks me, even though I know it's been bothering him for weeks. Sometimes he can also be a real idiot.

"I don't know, I never opened it." I shrug. Yes but I brought it with me, and for some reason I know it has to be something symbolic. That would be just like Phoenix.

"Why not?" Hinder asks me curiously. Because I'm with you.

"We are about to get married and I think it is inappropriate for me to have a gift from my ex." I say wisely. Truthfully it's because I just don't want this to come between me and you.

"You just don't want this to mess up our wedding and honeymoon?" He asks plainly. He knows me too well, but that's why I'm marrying him.

"Yeah, so don't let it." I tell him. He takes my hand in his.

"Alright sweetie." He kisses my hand softly. "I'm gonna get some sleep babe." He lets go of my hand.

I head to the plane bathroom as he falls asleep. I close the door and lock it. Should I open it? I take the box out my pocket. I stare at it and wonder. What could be inside?

"Hey some of us have to pee." A man pounded on the door. Well I guess I'll find out later. I put the box back in my pocket before washing my hands and leaving the bathroom.

"Sorry." I tell the man who smirks at me.

"No I'm sorry cutie pie." He winks at me. Gross.

"Well I'm going to go back to my fiance." I tell him as I run back to him. I see Hinder sleeping as I move to my seat. He's so cute when he's sleeping.

I look out upon the ocean and watching it sway. It hypnotized me into a sleep. By the time I woke up the plane had already landed.

"Babe you ready?" Hinder asks holding our stuff as we walked out of the plane.

"Yeah, I can't wait to go to the hotel." I yawn. I guess I'm still tired.

"Yeah me to, then I get you all to myself. " he whispers in my ear before biting my earlobe. Damn he's excited, but so am I.

"Aren't you super happy?" I giggle. And so am I in this moment, I wouldn't change it for the world.

"Now lets get our luggage and head to the hotel." He chuckles and that is exactly what we did. We grabbed our suitcases, got in a taxi and headed to the hotel. Once we got our room key we raced up to our room.

"Wow this place is amazing." I look around the honeymoon suite.

"I know but you are the best part." He looks at me with love and desire.

"That was kind of cheesy, even for you babe." I laugh.

"Well I can't help it, with you I just melt." He says dramatically. He's the only person I know who would ever do that, and I adore him for it.

"You are such a dork you know that?" I ask rhetorically.

"Yes I do, I'm your dork." He puts the suitcases down.

"That was rhetorical dork." I laugh until I notice him stalking towards me like I was prey. "Will you stop that?" I blush as I move back.

"No, not until I catch my prey." He says with a husky voice that is turning me on. Oh dear. I move back till my legs hit the side of the bed. Oh no I'm trapped. "I got you now." He proclaims as he jumps on top of me pushing me onto the bed.

"No." I giggle as he started to tickle me.

"Yes." He laughs as he continues his endless torture. Oh god I'm going to die laughing to death.

"Stop! Stop!" I yell as my sides begin to hurt from all the laughter.

"Alright, but you promised me something on the plane." He mounts me and looks into my eyes seductively. Oh yes I did and I want him so bad.

"You're I did, so what are you going to do to me?" I ask biting my bottom lip. Oh I am so turned on right now.

"All that I possibly can." He says with a wink.

That night we made love over and over again until we both got tired and fell asleep into each other's arms. We snuggled and held each other close never wanting to let go. If this is what life is with him, I will never leave his side. I just worry what Phoenix might do. And what is in the box that might tear me and Hinder apart. All I do know is that I love Hinder and I'm going to marry him on two days time. I can't wait to be Mrs. Hinder Marks.


I'm sorry the updates take so long I've been busy a lot lately and I'm going on a trip. So I will be more busy. Sorry to all you readers.

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